Class OAuth2TokenScopeValidator


public final class OAuth2TokenScopeValidator
extends Object
A helper class that allows handling optional validation of the OAuth 2 token within specific execution context (e.g. to implement fine-grained access control).
  • Method Details

    • validateScope

      public static boolean validateScope​(ServiceRequestContext ctx, Set<String> permittedScope)
      Validates given ServiceRequestContext against permitted scope of the given execution context. This operation assumes that there is a valid OAuth2TokenDescriptor attached to ServiceRequestContext by the OAuth 2 subsystem.
      ctx - ServiceRequestContext that contains valid OAuth2TokenDescriptor.
      permittedScope - A Set of scope tokens (roles) to validate against. This Set could be empty, which means that any valid token will be permitted.
      true if the OAuth2TokenDescriptor includes non-empty scope, which contains all elements of the permittedScope.
    • validateScope

      public static boolean validateScope​(OAuth2TokenDescriptor tokenDescriptor, Set<String> permittedScope)
      Validates given OAuth2TokenDescriptor against permitted scope of the given execution context.
      tokenDescriptor - An instance of OAuth2TokenDescriptor to validate.
      permittedScope - A Set of scope tokens (roles) to validate against. This Set could be empty, which means that any valid token will be permitted.
      true if the OAuth2TokenDescriptor includes non-empty scope, which contains all elements of the permittedScope.
    • insufficientScopeErrorResponse

      public static HttpResponse insufficientScopeErrorResponse()
      Returns an HttpResponse with HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN result code and formatted error response as below.
           HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
           Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

      This response indicates that the request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token. The resource server SHOULD respond with the HTTP 403 (Forbidden) status code and MAY include the "scope" attribute with the scope necessary to access the protected resource.