Class NativeLibraries

  • @Deprecated
    public final class NativeLibraries
    extends Object
    Use Flags instead.
    Reports the availability of the native libraries used by Armeria.
    • Method Detail

      • report

        public static void report()
        This method will be removed without a replacement, because the information about the availability of the native libraries are now logged automatically by Flags.
        This method does nothing.
      • isEpollAvailable

        public static boolean isEpollAvailable()
        Use Flags.useEpoll() instead.
        Returns whether the JNI-based /dev/epoll socket I/O is enabled. When enabled on Linux, Armeria uses /dev/epoll directly for socket I/O. When disabled, java.nio socket API is used instead.
      • isOpenSslAvailable

        public static boolean isOpenSslAvailable()
        Use Flags.useOpenSsl() instead.
        Returns whether the JNI-based TLS support with OpenSSL is enabled. When enabled, Armeria uses OpenSSL for processing TLS connections. When disabled, the current JVM's default SSLEngine is used instead.