
Package com.linecorp.armeria.client.circuitbreaker

Failure detection and fallback mechanism based on circuit breaker pattern.

Setup Client with Circuit Breaker


 Iface helloClient = new ClientBuilder("tbinary+")
                             new CircuitBreakerBuilder("hello").build()

A Unit of Failure Detection

You can specify a unit of failure detection from the following:
  • per remote service (as shown in the example above)
  • per method
  • per remote host
  • per remote host and method


 // Setup with per-method failure detection
 AsyncIface helloClient = new ClientBuilder("tbinary+")
                                  method -> new CircuitBreakerBuilder(method).build()


Once a failure is detected, A FailFastException is thrown from the client. You can write a fallback code by catching the exception.


 try {
 } catch (TException e) {
     // error handling
 } catch (FailFastException e) {
    // fallback code

Example in Async Client

 helloClient.hello("line", new AsyncMethodCallback() {
     public void onComplete(Object response) {
         // response handling
     public void onError(Exception e) {
         if (e instanceof TException) {
             // error handling
         } else if (e instanceof FailFastException) {
             // fallback code

Circuit States and Transitions

The circuit breaker provided by this package is implemented as a finite state machine consisting of the following states and transitions.


The initial state. All requests are sent to the remote service. If the failure rate exceeds the specified threshold, the state turns into OPEN.


All requests fail immediately without calling the remote service. After the specified time, the state turns into HALF_OPEN.


Only one trial request is sent at a time.
  • If it succeeds, the state turns into CLOSED.
  • If it fails, the state returns to OPEN.
  • If it doesn't complete within a certain time, another trial request will be sent again.

Circuit Breaker Configurations

The behavior of a circuit breaker can be modified via CircuitBreakerBuilder.


The threshold of failure rate(= failure/total) to detect a remote service fault.


The minimum number of requests within the time window necessary to detect a remote service fault.


The duration of OPEN state.


The interval of trial request in HALF_OPEN state.


The time length of sliding window to accumulate the count of events.


The interval that a circuit breaker can see the latest count of events.


A filter that decides whether a circuit breaker should deal with a given error.