Class EndpointInfo

  • public final class EndpointInfo
    extends Object
    Metadata about the endpoints exposed by a Service.
    • Method Detail

      • hostnamePattern

        public String hostnamePattern()
        Returns the hostname pattern of this endpoint.
      • pathMapping

        public String pathMapping()
        Returns the path mapping of this endpoint.
      • regexPathPrefix

        public String regexPathPrefix()
        Returns the prefix of this endpoint if the pathMapping() returns a regular expression string of endpoint and the prefix exists, otherwise null.
      • fragment

        public String fragment()
        Returns the URI fragment of this endpoint.
      • defaultMimeType

        public MediaType defaultMimeType()
        Returns the default MIME type of this endpoint.
      • availableMimeTypes

        public Set<MediaType> availableMimeTypes()
        Returns the set of available MIME types of this endpoint.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object