パッケージ com.linecorp.bot.client

クラス RetryableLineMessagingClientImpl

    • コンストラクタの概要

      コンストラクタ 説明
      RetryableLineMessagingClientImpl​(com.linecorp.bot.client.LineMessagingService retrofitImpl)  
    • メソッドの概要

      すべてのメソッド インスタンス・メソッド concreteメソッド 
      修飾子とタイプ メソッド 説明
      java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<com.linecorp.bot.model.response.BotApiResponse> broadcast​(java.util.UUID retryKey, com.linecorp.bot.model.Broadcast broadcast)
      Sends push messages to multiple users at any time.
      java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<com.linecorp.bot.model.response.BotApiResponse> multicast​(java.util.UUID retryKey, com.linecorp.bot.model.Multicast multicast)
      Send messages to multiple users at any time.
      java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<com.linecorp.bot.model.response.BotApiResponse> narrowcast​(java.util.UUID retryKey, com.linecorp.bot.model.Narrowcast narrowcast)
      Sends a push message to multiple users.
      java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<com.linecorp.bot.model.response.BotApiResponse> pushMessage​(java.util.UUID retryKey, com.linecorp.bot.model.PushMessage pushMessage)
      Send messages to users when you want to.
      • クラスから継承されたメソッド java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • コンストラクタの詳細

      • RetryableLineMessagingClientImpl

        public RetryableLineMessagingClientImpl​(com.linecorp.bot.client.LineMessagingService retrofitImpl)
    • メソッドの詳細

      • multicast

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<com.linecorp.bot.model.response.BotApiResponse> multicast​(java.util.UUID retryKey,
                                                                                                                com.linecorp.bot.model.Multicast multicast)
        インタフェースからコピーされた説明: RetryableLineMessagingClient
        Send messages to multiple users at any time. IDs of groups or rooms cannot be used.

        INFO: Only available for plans which support push messages. Messages cannot be sent to groups or rooms.

        INFO: Use IDs returned via the webhook event of source users. IDs of groups or rooms cannot be used. Do not use the LINE ID found on the LINE app.

        multicast インタフェース内 RetryableLineMessagingClient
      • broadcast

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<com.linecorp.bot.model.response.BotApiResponse> broadcast​(java.util.UUID retryKey,
                                                                                                                com.linecorp.bot.model.Broadcast broadcast)
        インタフェースからコピーされた説明: RetryableLineMessagingClient
        Sends push messages to multiple users at any time. Note: LINE@ accounts cannot call this API endpoint. Please migrate it to a LINE official account. For more information, see Migration of LINE@ accounts.
        broadcast インタフェース内 RetryableLineMessagingClient
      • narrowcast

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<com.linecorp.bot.model.response.BotApiResponse> narrowcast​(java.util.UUID retryKey,
                                                                                                                 com.linecorp.bot.model.Narrowcast narrowcast)
        インタフェースからコピーされた説明: RetryableLineMessagingClient
        Sends a push message to multiple users. You can specify recipients using attributes (such as age, gender, OS, and region) or by retargeting (audiences). Messages cannot be sent to groups or rooms.

        Note: LINE-@ accounts cannot call this API endpoint. Please migrate it to a LINE official account. For more information, see Migration of LINE@ accounts.

        narrowcast インタフェース内 RetryableLineMessagingClient