パッケージ com.linecorp.bot.model

クラス Narrowcast


public final class Narrowcast
extends java.lang.Object
Sends a push message to multiple users. You can specify recipients using attributes (such as age, gender, OS, and region) or by retargeting (audiences). Messages cannot be sent to groups or rooms.
  • コンストラクタの概要

    コンストラクタ 説明
    Narrowcast​(Message message, Filter filter)  
    Narrowcast​(java.util.List<Message> messages, Recipient recipient, Filter filter, Limit limit, boolean notificationDisabled)  
  • メソッドの概要

    修飾子とタイプ メソッド 説明
    boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)  
    Filter getFilter()
    Demographic filter object.
    Limit getLimit()
    The maximum number of narrowcast messages to send.
    java.util.List<Message> getMessages()
    List of Message objects.
    Recipient getRecipient()
    Recipient objects represent audiences.
    int hashCode()  
    boolean isNotificationDisabled()
    Whether sends a push notification to message receivers or not.
    java.lang.String toString()  

    クラスから継承されたメソッド java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • コンストラクタの詳細

    • Narrowcast

      public Narrowcast​(Message message, Filter filter)
    • Narrowcast

      public Narrowcast​(java.util.List<Message> messages, Recipient recipient, Filter filter, Limit limit, boolean notificationDisabled)
  • メソッドの詳細

    • getMessages

      public java.util.List<Message> getMessages()
      List of Message objects.

      Max: 5

    • getRecipient

      public Recipient getRecipient()
      Recipient objects represent audiences. You can specify recipients based on a combination of criteria using logical operator objects.
    • getFilter

      public Filter getFilter()
      Demographic filter object. You can use friends' attributes to filter the list of recipients. If this is omitted, messages will be sent to everyone – including users with attribute values of "unknown".
    • getLimit

      public Limit getLimit()
      The maximum number of narrowcast messages to send. Use this parameter to limit the number of narrowcast messages sent. The recipients will be chosen at random.
    • isNotificationDisabled

      public boolean isNotificationDisabled()
      Whether sends a push notification to message receivers or not. If true, the user doesn't receive a push notification when the message is sent. And if false, the user receives a push notification when the message is sent (unless they have disabled push notifications in LINE and/or their device).
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      equals クラス内 java.lang.Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode クラス内 java.lang.Object
    • toString

      public java.lang.String toString()
      toString クラス内 java.lang.Object