インタフェース RichMenuCommonProperties

RichMenu, RichMenuResponse

public interface RichMenuCommonProperties
  • メソッドの概要

    修飾子とタイプ メソッド 説明
    java.util.List<RichMenuArea> getAreas()
    Array of RichMenuArea objects which define the coordinates and size of tappable areas.
    java.lang.String getChatBarText()
    Text displayed in the chat bar.
    java.lang.String getName()
    Name of the rich menu.
    RichMenuSize getSize()
    RichMenuSize object which contains the width and height of the rich menu displayed in the chat.
    boolean isSelected()
    true to display the rich menu by default.
  • メソッドの詳細

    • getSize

      RichMenuSize getSize()
      RichMenuSize object which contains the width and height of the rich menu displayed in the chat.

      Rich menu images must be one of the following sizes: 2500x1686, 2500x843.

    • isSelected

      boolean isSelected()
      true to display the rich menu by default. Otherwise, false.
    • getName

      java.lang.String getName()
      Name of the rich menu. This value can be used to help manage your rich menus and is not displayed to users.

      Maximum of 300 characters.

    • getChatBarText

      java.lang.String getChatBarText()
      Text displayed in the chat bar. Maximum of 14 characters.
    • getAreas

      java.util.List<RichMenuArea> getAreas()
      Array of RichMenuArea objects which define the coordinates and size of tappable areas.

      Maximum of 20 area objects.