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apply(ConcurrentHashMap<Locale, Function1<CharSequence, List<String>>>, Locale, CharSequence) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens


clone() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
com.linkedin.dagli.text.token - package com.linkedin.dagli.text.token
computeEqualsUnsafe(Tokens) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
computeHashCode() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
createExecutionCache(long) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens


equals(Object) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens


getClassReducerTable() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getDefaultName() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getDefaultShortName() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getGraphReducers() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getHandle() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getInput1() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getInput2() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getInputList() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getName() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getResultSupertype() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
getShortName() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens


handleEquality(Tokens) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
handleHashCode() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
hasAlwaysConstantResult() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
hasConstantResult() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
hashCode() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
hasName() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens


subgraph() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens


Tokens - Class in com.linkedin.dagli.text.token
Tokenizes a string of natural text into its constituent tokens (words, punctuation, emoticons, etc.) using the best available tokenizer for each locale provided.
Tokens() - Constructor for class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
Creates a new tokenizer with the default locale of US English.
toString() - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens


withAllInputs(Producer<? extends Locale>, Producer<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
withInput1(Producer<? extends Locale>) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
withInput2(Producer<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
withLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
Sets the locale of the text.
withLocaleInput(Producer<? extends Locale>) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
Sets the input that will provide the locale of the text.
withName(String) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
withTextInput(Producer<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
Sets the input that will provide the text to be tokenized.


_input1 - Variable in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
_input2 - Variable in class com.linkedin.dagli.text.token.Tokens
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