Constructs a scredis.SubscriberClient instance from a config file and using the provided path.
Constructs a scredis.SubscriberClient instance from a config file and using the provided path.
config filename
path pointing to the scredis config object
the constructed scredis.SubscriberClient
The path must include to the scredis object, e.g. x.y.scredis
Constructs a scredis.SubscriberClient instance from a config file.
Constructs a scredis.SubscriberClient instance from a config file.
config filename
the constructed scredis.SubscriberClient
The config file must contain the scredis object at its root. This constructor is equivalent to
Client(configName, "scredis")
Constructs a scredis.SubscriberClient instance from a com.typesafe.Config
Constructs a scredis.SubscriberClient instance from a com.typesafe.Config
the constructed scredis.SubscriberClient
The config must contain the scredis object at its root. This constructor is equivalent to
Client(config, "scredis")
Constructs a scredis.SubscriberClient instance from a scredis.RedisConfig
Constructs a scredis.SubscriberClient instance from a scredis.RedisConfig
the constructed scredis.SubscriberClient
Creates a scredis.SubscriberClient
Creates a scredis.SubscriberClient
server address
server port
optional server password
optional client name (available since 2.6.9)
connection timeout
optional batch receive timeout
max number of bytes to send as part of a batch
size hint of the tcp send buffer, in bytes
size hint of the tcp receive buffer, in bytes
path to listener dispatcher definition
path to io dispatcher definition
path to decoder dispatcher definition
The companion object provides additional friendly constructors.