
final case class Enclosure(fullModuleName: String)

When generated by the macro com.lorandszakacs.enclosure.Enclosure.generateEnclosure, this class provides information about the "enclosing scope" from where it was generated.

When generated by the macro com.lorandszakacs.enclosure.Enclosure.generateEnclosure, this class provides information about the "enclosing scope" from where it was generated.

Value Params

Where "module" is either a:

  • class
  • object
  • package Examples:
package myapp
import com.lorandszakacs.enclosure.
object Printer {
 def locatedPrintln(s: String)(implicit enc: Enclosure): Unit =  {
   println(s"[{enc.fullModuleName}] s")
package myapp.module
object Main extends App {
 myapp.Printer("in main!")
 // prints out:
 // [myapp.module.Main] in main!
 // idem
 def nestedMethod(): Unit = {
   myapp.Printer("in main!")

if the Enclosure is generated:

  • within a nested class, that is also included in the fullModuleName.
  • within a package (object) the name will be the package name
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from