Class NodeConfigStatus

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NodeConfigStatus
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements com.marcnuri.yakc.model.Model
    NodeConfigStatus describes the status of the config assigned by Node.Spec.ConfigSource.
    • Method Detail

      • getError

        public java.lang.String getError()
        Error describes any problems reconciling the Spec.ConfigSource to the Active config. Errors may occur, for example, attempting to checkpoint Spec.ConfigSource to the local Assigned record, attempting to checkpoint the payload associated with Spec.ConfigSource, attempting to load or validate the Assigned config, etc. Errors may occur at different points while syncing config. Earlier errors (e.g. download or checkpointing errors) will not result in a rollback to LastKnownGood, and may resolve across Kubelet retries. Later errors (e.g. loading or validating a checkpointed config) will result in a rollback to LastKnownGood. In the latter case, it is usually possible to resolve the error by fixing the config assigned in Spec.ConfigSource. You can find additional information for debugging by searching the error message in the Kubelet log. Error is a human-readable description of the error state; machines can check whether or not Error is empty, but should not rely on the stability of the Error text across Kubelet versions.
      • setError

        public void setError​(java.lang.String error)
        Error describes any problems reconciling the Spec.ConfigSource to the Active config. Errors may occur, for example, attempting to checkpoint Spec.ConfigSource to the local Assigned record, attempting to checkpoint the payload associated with Spec.ConfigSource, attempting to load or validate the Assigned config, etc. Errors may occur at different points while syncing config. Earlier errors (e.g. download or checkpointing errors) will not result in a rollback to LastKnownGood, and may resolve across Kubelet retries. Later errors (e.g. loading or validating a checkpointed config) will result in a rollback to LastKnownGood. In the latter case, it is usually possible to resolve the error by fixing the config assigned in Spec.ConfigSource. You can find additional information for debugging by searching the error message in the Kubelet log. Error is a human-readable description of the error state; machines can check whether or not Error is empty, but should not rely on the stability of the Error text across Kubelet versions.
      • setLastKnownGood

        public void setLastKnownGood​(NodeConfigSource lastKnownGood)
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object