Class CustomResourceDefinitionVersion

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CustomResourceDefinitionVersion
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements com.marcnuri.yakc.model.Model
    CustomResourceDefinitionVersion describes a version for CRD.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CustomResourceDefinitionVersion

        public CustomResourceDefinitionVersion​(java.util.List<CustomResourceColumnDefinition> additionalPrinterColumns,
                                               java.lang.Boolean deprecated,
                                               java.lang.String deprecationWarning,
                                               @NonNull java.lang.String name,
                                               CustomResourceValidation schema,
                                               @NonNull java.lang.Boolean served,
                                               @NonNull java.lang.Boolean storage,
                                               CustomResourceSubresources subresources)
      • CustomResourceDefinitionVersion

        public CustomResourceDefinitionVersion()
    • Method Detail

      • getAdditionalPrinterColumns

        public java.util.List<CustomResourceColumnDefinition> getAdditionalPrinterColumns()
        additionalPrinterColumns specifies additional columns returned in Table output. See for details. Top-level and per-version columns are mutually exclusive. Per-version columns must not all be set to identical values (top-level columns should be used instead). If no top-level or per-version columns are specified, a single column displaying the age of the custom resource is used.
      • getDeprecated

        public java.lang.Boolean getDeprecated()
        deprecated indicates this version of the custom resource API is deprecated. When set to true, API requests to this version receive a warning header in the server response. Defaults to false.
      • getDeprecationWarning

        public java.lang.String getDeprecationWarning()
        deprecationWarning overrides the default warning returned to API clients. May only be set when `deprecated` is true. The default warning indicates this version is deprecated and recommends use of the newest served version of equal or greater stability, if one exists.
      • getName

        public @NonNull java.lang.String getName()
        name is the version name, e.g. "v1", "v2beta1", etc. The custom resources are served under this version at `/apis/<group>/<version>/...` if `served` is true.
      • getServed

        public @NonNull java.lang.Boolean getServed()
        served is a flag enabling/disabling this version from being served via REST APIs
      • getStorage

        public @NonNull java.lang.Boolean getStorage()
        storage indicates this version should be used when persisting custom resources to storage. There must be exactly one version with storage=true.
      • setAdditionalPrinterColumns

        public void setAdditionalPrinterColumns​(java.util.List<CustomResourceColumnDefinition> additionalPrinterColumns)
        additionalPrinterColumns specifies additional columns returned in Table output. See for details. Top-level and per-version columns are mutually exclusive. Per-version columns must not all be set to identical values (top-level columns should be used instead). If no top-level or per-version columns are specified, a single column displaying the age of the custom resource is used.
      • setDeprecated

        public void setDeprecated​(java.lang.Boolean deprecated)
        deprecated indicates this version of the custom resource API is deprecated. When set to true, API requests to this version receive a warning header in the server response. Defaults to false.
      • setDeprecationWarning

        public void setDeprecationWarning​(java.lang.String deprecationWarning)
        deprecationWarning overrides the default warning returned to API clients. May only be set when `deprecated` is true. The default warning indicates this version is deprecated and recommends use of the newest served version of equal or greater stability, if one exists.
      • setName

        public void setName​(@NonNull
                            @NonNull java.lang.String name)
        name is the version name, e.g. "v1", "v2beta1", etc. The custom resources are served under this version at `/apis/<group>/<version>/...` if `served` is true.
      • setServed

        public void setServed​(@NonNull
                              @NonNull java.lang.Boolean served)
        served is a flag enabling/disabling this version from being served via REST APIs
      • setStorage

        public void setStorage​(@NonNull
                               @NonNull java.lang.Boolean storage)
        storage indicates this version should be used when persisting custom resources to storage. There must be exactly one version with storage=true.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object