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close() - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.KafkaTopicPartitionsIterator
com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka - package com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
countOfFullSet() - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.KafkaTopicPartitionsSource


EarliestKafkaOffsetSpec - Class in com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
Load the earliest offsets from Kafka for each partition.
EarliestKafkaOffsetSpec() - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.EarliestKafkaOffsetSpec
enumerateRangeOfFullSet(long, long) - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.KafkaTopicPartitionsSource


flatMap(List<TopicPartition>) - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.ReadKafkaTopicPartitionRange


getOffsets(Consumer<K, V>, Collection<TopicPartition>) - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.EarliestKafkaOffsetSpec
getOffsets(Consumer<K, V>, Collection<TopicPartition>) - Method in interface com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.KafkaOffsetSpec
Load the offsets for a given set of topicPartitions
getOffsets(Consumer<K, V>, Collection<TopicPartition>) - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.LatestKafkaOffsetSpec
getOffsets(Consumer<K, V>, Collection<TopicPartition>) - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.PrioritisedOffsetSpecs
getOffsets(Consumer<K, V>, Collection<TopicPartition>) - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.StaticOffsetsSpec
getOffsets(Consumer<K, V>, Collection<TopicPartition>) - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.TimestampKafkaOffsetSpec


hasNext() - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.KafkaTopicPartitionsIterator


KafkaOffsetSpec - Interface in com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
Specifies how to load offsets for a given set of Kafka partitions.
KafkaTopicPartitionsIterator<K,V> - Class in com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
Provides an Iterator interface to the data in Kafka for a given set of TopicPartitions.
KafkaTopicPartitionsIterator(Map<String, Object>, Collection<TopicPartition>, KafkaOffsetSpec, KafkaOffsetSpec) - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.KafkaTopicPartitionsIterator
KafkaTopicPartitionsSource - Class in com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
A DataSource which will yield all TopicPartitions available on the Kafka cluster for a given set of topics.
KafkaTopicPartitionsSource(Map<String, Object>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.KafkaTopicPartitionsSource


LatestKafkaOffsetSpec - Class in com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
Load the latest offsets from Kafka for each partition.
LatestKafkaOffsetSpec() - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.LatestKafkaOffsetSpec


next() - Method in class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.KafkaTopicPartitionsIterator


PrioritisedOffsetSpecs - Class in com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
Returns offsets from a set of offset specs in the order specified until one has been found for each partition requested, or there are no more offset specs in the list
PrioritisedOffsetSpecs(KafkaOffsetSpec...) - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.PrioritisedOffsetSpecs
Returns offsets from a set of offset specs in the order specified until one has been found for each partition requested, or there are no more offset specs in the list
PrioritisedOffsetSpecs(List<KafkaOffsetSpec>) - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.PrioritisedOffsetSpecs
Returns offsets from a set of offset specs in the order specified until one has been found for each partition requested, or there are no more offset specs in the list


ReadKafkaTopicPartitionRange<K,V> - Class in com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
FlatMap a given set of TopicPartitions by loading all records from the starting offsets (inclusive) to the ending offsets (exclusive) specified.
ReadKafkaTopicPartitionRange(Map<String, Object>, KafkaOffsetSpec, KafkaOffsetSpec) - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.ReadKafkaTopicPartitionRange


StaticOffsetsSpec - Class in com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
StaticOffsetsSpec(Map<TopicPartition, Long>) - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.StaticOffsetsSpec


TimestampKafkaOffsetSpec - Class in com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka
Return offsets for each partition by looking up the given timestamp.
TimestampKafkaOffsetSpec(long) - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.TimestampKafkaOffsetSpec
Return offsets for each partition by looking up the given Kafka timestamp
TimestampKafkaOffsetSpec(Instant) - Constructor for class com.markosindustries.distroboy.kafka.TimestampKafkaOffsetSpec
Return offsets for each partition by looking up the given Instant as a Kafka timestamp
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