
package ens


Linear Supertypes
Denominations, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. ens
  2. Denominations
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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  2. Show all
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AsyncClient extends AnyRef

  2. class BadEnsPathException extends EnsException

  3. class BadRegistrarException extends EnsException

  4. case class Bid(bidHash: EthHash, simpleName: String, bidderAddress: EthAddress, valueInWei: BigInt, salt: Seq[Byte]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class Client extends AnyRef

  6. final case class Commitment(hash: EthHash, secret: Bytes32) extends Product with Serializable

  7. class EnsException extends Exception

  8. type Markup = v1.consuela.ethereum.jsonrpc.Invoker.Markup

  9. type MarkupOrOverride = v1.consuela.ethereum.jsonrpc.Invoker.MarkupOrOverride

  10. class MustBeOwnedException extends EnsException

  11. class NoControllerSetException extends EnsException

  12. class NoRegistrarSetException extends EnsException

  13. class NoResolverSetException extends EnsException

  14. class OnlyOwnerException extends EnsException

  15. type Override = v1.consuela.ethereum.jsonrpc.Invoker.Override

  16. sealed trait ParsedPath extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AsyncClient

  2. object Client

  3. object Commitment extends Serializable

  4. object InterfaceId

  5. val Markup: v1.consuela.ethereum.jsonrpc.Invoker.Markup.type

  6. val MarkupOrOverride: v1.consuela.ethereum.jsonrpc.Invoker.MarkupOrOverride.type

  7. val Override: v1.consuela.ethereum.jsonrpc.Invoker.Override.type

  8. object ParsedPath

  9. val StandardNameServiceAddress: EthAddress

  10. val StandardNameServicePublicResolver: EthAddress

  11. val StandardNameServiceReverseTld: String

  12. val StandardNameServiceTld: String

  13. implicit def bigDecimalToBigDecialEther(value: BigDecimal): BigDecimalEther

    Definition Classes
  14. implicit def bigIntToBigIntEther(value: BigInt): BigIntEther

    Definition Classes
  15. def componentHash(component: String): EthHash

  16. package contract

  17. implicit def doubleToDoubleEther(value: Double): DoubleEther

    Definition Classes
  18. def labelhash(label: String): EthHash

  19. implicit def longToLongEther(value: Long): LongEther

    Definition Classes
  20. def namehash(name: String): EthHash

  21. def normalizeNameForTld(name: String, tld: String): String

Inherited from Denominations

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
