
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


AbsoluteIRIPattern - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
A pattern matching absolute IRIs.
all(Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.All
all(Collection<? extends Value>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.All
all(Value...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.All
All - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Universal set values constraint.
alt(Path...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Alt
alt(Collection<Path>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Alt
alt(IRI...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Alt
Alt - Class in com.metreeca.json.shifts
Alternative path.
and() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.And
and(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.And
and(Collection<? extends Shape>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.And
and(Stream<? extends Shape>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.And
And - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Conjunctive logical constraint.
any(Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Any
any(Collection<? extends Value>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Any
any(Value...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Any
Any - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Existential set values constraint.
apply(Query) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query.Probe
apply(Shape) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
apply(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shift.Probe
axis() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard


Base - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
bnode() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
bnode(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
bnode(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
BNodeType - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
bool(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
bool(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
bool(IRI, Boolean) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
bool(IRI, Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
bool(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values


clazz(IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Clazz
Creates a class constraint.
Clazz - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Class value constraint.
client(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
clip(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Clips a string.
com.metreeca.json - package com.metreeca.json
Shape specification framework.
com.metreeca.json.queries - package com.metreeca.json.queries
Shape-driven queries.
com.metreeca.json.shapes - package com.metreeca.json.shapes
Shape constraints.
com.metreeca.json.shifts - package com.metreeca.json.shifts
Focus shift operators.
compare(Value, Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Contains - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
The default predicate linking resource collections to their items.
convey() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Extracts the conveying form of this shape.
convey(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Convey - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
create(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Create - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard


datatype(IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Datatype
Creates a datatype constraint.
Datatype - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Datatype value constraint.
decimal(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
decimal(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
decimal(IRI, Number) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
decimal(IRI, Optional<Number>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
decimal(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
decimals(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
decimals(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
decimals(IRI, Number...) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
decimals(IRI, Collection<Number>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
decimals(IRI, Stream<Number>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
decreasing(List<IRI>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Order
decreasing(IRI...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Order
delete(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Delete - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
derives(IRI, IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
detail(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Detail - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
digest(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Digest - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
direct(IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Checks predicate direction.


empty() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
empty() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Checks if this shape is empty.
empty() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Focus
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Order
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.All
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.And
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Any
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Clazz
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Datatype
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Lang
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Like
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Link
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Localized
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxCount
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxExclusive
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxInclusive
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxLength
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinCount
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinExclusive
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinInclusive
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinLength
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Or
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Pattern
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Range
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Stem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.When
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Alt
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Seq
equals(Object) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Step
exactly(Value...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
expand() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Extends this shape with inferred constraints.
expression() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Pattern


factory() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
fail() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.When
False - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
field(Shape, Collection<IRI>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
field(Shape, IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
field(String, IRI, Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
field(IRI, Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
Field - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Field structural constraint.
fields() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
fields(Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
filter(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
filter(Value) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Extracts the filtering form of this shape.
Filter - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
flags() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Pattern
focus() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Focus
Creates a target focus value.
focus() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
Retrieves the frame focus.
focus(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Focus
Creates a relative focus value.
Focus - Class in com.metreeca.json
Shape focus value.
format() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
format(Focus) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
format(Frame) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
format(Collection<? extends Value>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
format(List<IRI>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
format(BNode) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
format(IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
format(Literal) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
format(Statement) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
format(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
frame(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frame(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frame(IRI, Frame) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frame(IRI, Optional<Frame>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frame(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frame(Value, Collection<Statement>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frame(Value, Map<IRI, ? extends Collection<Frame>>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
Frame - Class in com.metreeca.json
Linked data frame.
frames(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frames(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frames(IRI, Frame...) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frames(IRI, Collection<Frame>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
frames(IRI, Stream<Frame>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame


guard(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
guard(String, Collection<Object>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
guard(Function<V, R>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Guard - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Parametric annotation.


hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Focus
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Order
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.All
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.And
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Any
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Clazz
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Datatype
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Lang
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Like
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Link
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Localized
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxCount
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxExclusive
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxInclusive
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxLength
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinCount
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinExclusive
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinInclusive
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinLength
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Or
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Pattern
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Range
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Stem
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.When
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Alt
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Seq
hashCode() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Step
hex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
hidden(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard


increasing(List<IRI>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Order
increasing(IRI...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Order
indent(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
integer(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
integer(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
integer(IRI, Number) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
integer(IRI, Optional<Number>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
integer(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
integers(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
integers(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
integers(IRI, Number...) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
integers(IRI, Collection<Number>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
integers(IRI, Stream<Number>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
inverse() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Order
inverse(IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Creates an inverse predicate.
iri() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Clazz
iri() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Datatype
iri() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
iri() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Link
iri() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Step
iri() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
iri(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
iri(String, String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
iri(URI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
iri(URL) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
iri(IRI, String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
iri(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
IRIPattern - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
A pattern matching IRI components.
IRIType - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
is(Value, IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
issues() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
item(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
items(Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.queries.Items
items(Shape, List<Order>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.queries.Items
items(Shape, List<Order>, int, int) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.queries.Items
Items - Class in com.metreeca.json.queries
Items(Shape, List<IRI>, List<Order>, int, int) - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.queries.Items


keywords() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Like
keywords(CharSequence, boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Like


label() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
label() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
label(Supplier<String>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Uniquely label fields in this shape.
labels(Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
labels(Shape, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
lang(String...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Lang
lang(Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Lang
lang(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Lang - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Language value constraint.
like(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Like
like(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Like
Like - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Lexical full-text constraint.
limit() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
limit() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxCount
limit() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxExclusive
limit() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxInclusive
limit() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxLength
limit() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinCount
limit() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinExclusive
limit() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinInclusive
limit() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinLength
link(IRI, Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Link
link(IRI, Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Link
Link - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Linking structural constraint.
literal(boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(byte) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(byte[]) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(byte, boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(double) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(double, boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(float) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(float, boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(int) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(int, boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(long) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(long, boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(short) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(short, boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(Number) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(Number, boolean) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(String, String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(String, IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(BigDecimal) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(BigInteger) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(TemporalAccessor) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(TemporalAmount) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
literal(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
LiteralType - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
localize(String...) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Localizes this shape.
localize(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Localizes this shape.
localized(String...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Localized
localized(Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Localized
Localized - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Language localization constraint.


map(Query.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.queries.Items
map(Query.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.queries.Stats
map(Query.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.queries.Terms
map(Query.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.All
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.And
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Any
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Clazz
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Datatype
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Lang
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Like
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Localized
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxExclusive
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxInclusive
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxLength
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinExclusive
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinInclusive
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinLength
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Or
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Pattern
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Range
map(Shape.Probe<T>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Stem
map(Shape.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
map(Shape.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
map(Shape.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Link
map(Shape.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxCount
map(Shape.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinCount
map(Shape.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.When
map(Shift.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shift
map(Shift.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Alt
map(Shift.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Seq
map(Shift.Probe<V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Step
map(Function<Query, V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
map(Function<Shape, V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
map(Function<Shift, V>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shift
maxCount(int) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxCount
maxCount(Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxCount
MaxCount - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Maximum set size constraint.
maxExclusive(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxExclusive
MaxExclusive - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Exclusive maximum value constraint.
maxInclusive(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxInclusive
MaxInclusive - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Inclusive maximum value constraint.
maxLength(int) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxLength
MaxLength - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Lexical maximum length constraint.
md5() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
md5(byte[]) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
md5(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
minCount(int) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinCount
minCount(Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinCount
MinCount - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Minimum set size constraint.
minExclusive(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinExclusive
MinExclusive - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Exclusive minimum value constraint.
minInclusive(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinInclusive
MinInclusive - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Inclusive minimum value constraint.
minLength(int) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinLength
MinLength - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Lexical minimum length constraint.
mode(Object...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Mode - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
model() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
multiple() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape


namespace(String, String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
notes() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
NS - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values


offset() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
optional() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
or() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Or
or(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Or
or(Collection<? extends Shape>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Or
or(Stream<? extends Shape>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Or
Or - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Disjunctive logical constraint.
Order - Class in com.metreeca.json
Ordering criterion.
orders() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
outline(Value...) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Identifies statements implied by this shape.


pass() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.When
path() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Order
path() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
path(IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Path - Class in com.metreeca.json.shifts
Property path.
Path() - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Path
paths() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Alt
paths() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Seq
pattern(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Pattern
pattern(String, String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Pattern
pattern(Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Pattern - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Lexical pattern constraint.
prefix() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Stem
probe(Items) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query.Probe
probe(Stats) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query.Probe
probe(Terms) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query.Probe
probe(Query) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query.Probe
Probes a generic query.
probe(Shape) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
Probes a generic shape.
probe(All) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(And) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Any) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Clazz) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Datatype) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Field) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Guard) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Lang) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Like) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Link) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Localized) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(MaxCount) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(MaxExclusive) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(MaxInclusive) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(MaxLength) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(MinCount) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(MinExclusive) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(MinInclusive) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(MinLength) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Or) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Pattern) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Range) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Stem) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(When) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
probe(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shift.Probe
Probes a generic shift.
probe(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.ShiftEvaluator
probe(Alt) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shift.Probe
probe(Alt) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.ShiftEvaluator
probe(Seq) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shift.Probe
probe(Seq) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.ShiftEvaluator
probe(Step) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shift.Probe
probe(Step) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.ShiftEvaluator
Probe() - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.Query.Probe
Probe() - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.Shape.Probe
Probe() - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.Shift.Probe


Query - Class in com.metreeca.json
Shape-driven linked data query.
Query(Shape, List<IRI>, List<Order>, int, int) - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.Query
Query.Probe<V> - Class in com.metreeca.json
Query probe.
quote(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values


range(Collection<? extends Value>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Range
range(Value...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Range
Range - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Range value constraint.
redact(String) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Redacts guards in this shape.
redact(String, Object...) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Redacts guards in this shape.
redact(String, Collection<Object>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Redacts guards in this shape.
relate(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Relate - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
repeatable() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
required() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
resolve(Value) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Focus
Resolves this focus value.
resolve(Value) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Resolve focus values in this shape.
resource(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
ResourceType - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
role(Object...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Role - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
root(IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Root - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values


seq(Path...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Seq
seq(Collection<Path>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Seq
seq(IRI...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Seq
Seq - Class in com.metreeca.json.shifts
Sequence path.
server(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
shape() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
shape() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
shape() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Link
Shape - Class in com.metreeca.json
Linked data shape constraint.
Shape() - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Shape.Probe<V> - Class in com.metreeca.json
Shape probe.
shapes() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.And
shapes() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Or
Shift - Class in com.metreeca.json
Focus shift operator.
Shift() - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.Shift
Shift.Probe<V> - Class in com.metreeca.json
Shift probe.
ShiftEvaluator - Class in com.metreeca.json
size() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
statement(Resource, IRI, Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
statement(Resource, IRI, Value, Resource) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
stats(Shape, List<IRI>, int, int) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.queries.Stats
Stats - Class in com.metreeca.json.queries
Stats(Shape, List<IRI>, List<Order>, int, int) - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.queries.Stats
stem(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Stem
Stem - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Lexical stem constraint.
step(IRI) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Step
Step - Class in com.metreeca.json.shifts
Predicate path.
string(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
string(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
string(IRI, String) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
string(IRI, Optional<String>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
string(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
strings(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
strings(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
strings(IRI, String...) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
strings(IRI, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
strings(IRI, Stream<String>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
stringValue() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Focus


tags() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Lang
task(Object...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Task - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
temporalAccessor(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
temporalAmount(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
term(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
terms(Shape, List<IRI>, int, int) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.queries.Terms
Terms - Class in com.metreeca.json.queries
Terms - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Terms(Shape, List<IRI>, List<Order>, int, int) - Constructor for class com.metreeca.json.queries.Terms
test() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.When
text(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
then(Shape...) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Creates a conditional shape.
toExpression() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Like
Converts this constraint to a regular expression.
toJSON() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Focus
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Order
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Query
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.All
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.And
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Any
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Clazz
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Datatype
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Field
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Lang
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Like
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Link
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Localized
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxCount
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxExclusive
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxInclusive
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MaxLength
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinCount
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinExclusive
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinInclusive
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.MinLength
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Or
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Pattern
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Range
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Stem
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.When
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Alt
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Seq
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shifts.Step
toString() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
trace() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
trace(Trace...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
trace(String...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
trace(String, Trace) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
trace(Stream<String>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Trace
Trace - Class in com.metreeca.json
Shape validation trace.
traits() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
traverse(IRI, Function<IRI, V>, Function<IRI, V>) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
Traverses a predicate.
triple(Resource, IRI, Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
True - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
type(Value) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values


update(Shape...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
Update - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
uuid() - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
uuid(byte[]) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values
uuid(String) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.Values


value(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
value(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
value(IRI, Optional<? extends Value>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
value(IRI, Value) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
values() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.All
values() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Any
values() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
values() - Method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Range
values(Shift) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
values(IRI) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
values(IRI, Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
values(IRI, Stream<? extends Value>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
values(IRI, Value...) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Frame
Values - Class in com.metreeca.json
Value utilities.
ValueType - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.Values
view(Object...) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard
View - Static variable in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.Guard


walk(Collection<IRI>) - Method in class com.metreeca.json.Shape
Traverses this shape.
when(Shape, Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.When
when(Shape, Shape, Shape) - Static method in class com.metreeca.json.shapes.When
When - Class in com.metreeca.json.shapes
Conditional logical constraint.
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