Creates a DataFrame
based on the provided schema.
Creates a DataFrame
based on the provided schema.
the schema representing the DataFrame.
a DataFrame.
Creates a DataFrame
based on the schema derived from the bean class.
Creates a DataFrame
based on the schema derived from the bean class.
Note: Prefer toDS[T](beanClass:Class[T])* as computations will be more efficient.
The bean class type to shape the data from CosmosDB into
encapsulating the data from CosmosDB
a DataFrame
Creates a DataFrame
based on the schema derived from the optional type.
Creates a DataFrame
based on the schema derived from the optional type.
Note: Prefer toDS[T<:Product]()* as computations will be more efficient.
The rdd must contain an _id
for CosmosDB versions < 3.2.
The optional type of the data from CosmosDB, if not provided the schema will be inferred from the collection
a DataFrame
Creates a Dataset
from the RDD strongly typed to the provided java bean.
Creates a Dataset
from the RDD strongly typed to the provided java bean.
The type of the data from CosmosDB
Creates a Dataset
from the collection strongly typed to the provided case class.
Creates a Dataset
from the collection strongly typed to the provided case class.
The type of the data from CosmosDB