Class ConnectionStringBuilder

  • public final class ConnectionStringBuilder
    extends Object
    ConnectionStringBuilder can be used to construct a connection string which can establish communication with Event Hub instances. In addition to constructing a connection string, the ConnectionStringBuilder can be used to modify an existing connection string.

    Sample Code:

      // Construct a new connection string
      ConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder = new ConnectionStringBuilder()
      string connString =;
      // Modify an existing connection string
      ConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder = new ConnectionStringBuilder(existingConnectionString)
      string connString =;

    A connection string is basically a string consisting of key-value pairs separated by ";". The basic format is {<key>=<value>[;<key>=<value>]} where supported key name are as follow:

    • Endpoint - the URL that contains the EventHubs namespace
    • EntityPath - the EventHub name which you are connecting to
    • SharedAccessKeyName - the key name to the corresponding shared access policy rule for the namespace, or entity.
    • SharedAccessKey - the key for the corresponding shared access policy rule of the namespace or entity.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectionStringBuilder

        public ConnectionStringBuilder()
        Creates an empty ConnectionStringBuilder. At minimum, a namespace name, an entity path, SAS key name, and SAS key need to be set before a valid connection string can be built.

        For advanced users, the following replacements can be done:

        • An endpoint can be provided instead of a namespace name.
        • A SAS token can be provided instead of a SAS key name and SAS key.
        • Optionally, users can set an operation timeout instead of using the default value.
      • ConnectionStringBuilder

        public ConnectionStringBuilder​(String connectionString)
        ConnectionString format: Endpoint=sb://namespace_DNS_Name;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME;SharedAccessKeyName=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY
        connectionString - EventHubs ConnectionString
        IllegalConnectionStringFormatException - when the format of the ConnectionString is not valid
    • Method Detail

      • getEndpoint

        public URI getEndpoint()
        Get the endpoint which can be used to connect to the EventHub instance.
        The currently set endpoint
      • setEndpoint

        public ConnectionStringBuilder setEndpoint​(URI endpoint)
        Set an endpoint which can be used to connect to the EventHub instance.
        endpoint - is a combination of the namespace name and domain name. Together, these pieces make a valid endpoint. For example, the default domain name is "", so a sample endpoint would look like this: "sb://".
        the ConnectionStringBuilder being set.
      • setEndpoint

        public ConnectionStringBuilder setEndpoint​(String namespaceName,
                                                   String domainName)
        Set an endpoint which can be used to connect to the EventHub instance.
        namespaceName - the name of the namespace to connect to.
        domainName - identifies the domain the namespace is located in. For non-public and national clouds, the domain will not be "". Available options include: - "" - "" - ""
        the ConnectionStringBuilder being set.
      • setNamespaceName

        public ConnectionStringBuilder setNamespaceName​(String namespaceName)
        Set a namespace name which will be used to connect to an EventHubs instance. This method adds "" as the default domain name.
        namespaceName - the name of the namespace to connect to.
        the ConnectionStringBuilder being set.
      • getEventHubName

        public String getEventHubName()
        Get the entity path value from the connection string.
        Entity Path
      • setEventHubName

        public ConnectionStringBuilder setEventHubName​(String eventHubName)
        Set the entity path value from the connection string.
        eventHubName - the name of the Event Hub to connect to.
        the ConnectionStringBuilder being set.
      • getSasKey

        public String getSasKey()
        Get the shared access policy key value from the connection string
        Shared Access Signature key
      • getSasKeyName

        public String getSasKeyName()
        Get the shared access policy owner name from the connection string
        Shared Access Signature key name.
      • getSharedAccessSignature

        public String getSharedAccessSignature()
        Get the shared access signature (also referred as SAS Token) from the connection string
        Shared Access Signature
      • setSharedAccessSignature

        public ConnectionStringBuilder setSharedAccessSignature​(String sharedAccessSignature)
        Set the shared access signature (also referred as SAS Token) from the connection string
        sharedAccessSignature - the shared access key signature
        the ConnectionStringBuilder being set.
      • getOperationTimeout

        public Duration getOperationTimeout()
        OperationTimeout is applied in erroneous situations to notify the caller about the relevant EventHubException
      • setOperationTimeout

        public ConnectionStringBuilder setOperationTimeout​(Duration operationTimeout)
        Set the OperationTimeout value in the Connection String. This value will be used by all operations which uses this ConnectionStringBuilder, unless explicitly over-ridden.

        ConnectionString with operationTimeout is not inter-operable between java and clients in other platforms.

        operationTimeout - Operation Timeout
        the ConnectionStringBuilder being set.
      • getTransportType

        public TransportType getTransportType()
        TransportType on which all the communication for the EventHub objects created using this ConnectionString. Default value is TransportType.AMQP.
      • getAuthentication

        public String getAuthentication()
        Get the authentication type in the Connection String.
      • setAuthentication

        public ConnectionStringBuilder setAuthentication​(String authentication)
        Set the authentication type in the Connection String. The only valid values are "Managed Identity" or null.
        authentication -
        the ConnectionStringBuilder instance being set.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns an inter-operable connection string that can be used to connect to EventHubs instances.
        toString in class Object
        connection string