All Classes

Allows plugins to register the driver as an OSGI Framework service.
Represents the Data Classification Sensitivity Information for columns as configured in Database.
Represents the SQL Server DATETIMEOFFSET data type.
Represents a DNS Kerberos Locator
Represents a DNS SRV Record.
Provides utility functions for the DNS package
Represents the internal makings of a Figure.
Geography datatype represents data in a round-earth coordinate system.
Geometry datatype represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system.
Represents the Data Classification Information Types as received from SQL Server for the active resultSet
Provides an interface used to create classes that read in data from any source (such as a file) and allows a SQLServerBulkCopy class to write the data to SQL Server tables.
as of 8.1.0, because the interface contains methods which are not called as part of actual bulk copy process.
Provides an interface to the SQLServerCallableStatement class.
Provides an interface to the SQLServerConnection and SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy classes.
Provides an interface to the SQLServerConnection43 class.
Provides an interface to create classes that read in data from any source (such as a file) and allow a structured type to be sent to SQL Server tables.
Provides a factory to create connections to the data source represented by this object.
Provides an interface to the SQLServerPreparedStatement class.
Provides an interface to the SQLServerResultSet class.
Provides an interface to theSQLServerResultSetMetaData class.
Provides an interface to the SQLServerSavepoint class.
Provides an interface to the SQLServerStatement class.
Overrides JAAS Configuration and always provide a configuration is not defined for default configuration.
Provides implemention of the callback handler for Kerberos.
Represents the Data Classification Labels as received from SQL Server for the active resultSet
Implementation of ICounter for 'maxResultBuffer' property.
Parser created to parse String value from Connection String to equivalent number of bytes for JDBC Driver to work on.
Access aspect for accessing the token cache.
Represents the internal makings of a Point.
Represents the internal makings of a Segment.
Provides the functionality to retrieve Sensitivity Classification data as received from SQL Server for the active resultSet
Sensitivity Rank
Represents the Data Classification Sensitivity Property as received from SQL Server for the active resultSet
Represents the internal makings of a Shape.
Provides the implementation of the AAS Enclave Provider.
Represents a binary LOB object and implements a java.sql.Blob.
Provides functionality to efficiently bulk load a SQL Server table with data from another source.
Provides a collection of settings that control how an instance of SQLServerBulkCopy behaves.
Provides a simple implementation of the ISQLServerBulkRecord interface that can be used to read in the basic Java data types from a delimited file where each line represents a row of data.
Provides implementation of JDBC callable statements.
Represents a character LOB object and implements java.sql.Clob.
Provides implementation similar to certificate store provider.
Provides the implementation of the key store provider for the Windows Certificate Store.
Provides the implementation of the key store provider for Java Key Store.
Defines the abtract class for a SQL Server Column Encryption key store provider Extend this class to implement a custom key store provider.
Provides an implementation java.sql.connection interface that assists creating a JDBC connection to SQL Server.
Extends SQLServerConnection43 and implements ISQLServerConnection43 with methods introduced in JDBC 4.3 Specifications.
Provides physical database connections for connection pool managers.
Provides the JDBC database meta data.
Represents a column of the in-memory data table represented by SQLServerDataTable.
Contains a list of properties specific for the SQLServerConnection class.
Implementation of the Data Service Specification for JDBC™ Technology.
Defines an object factory to materialize datasources from JNDI.
Represents the data table for SQL Server.
Provides methods to connect to a SQL Server database and to obtain information about the JDBC driver.
SQLServerError represents a TDS error or message event.
Represents the exception thrown from any point in the driver that throws a java.sql.SQLException.
Provides a callback delegate which is to be implemented by the client code
Represents metadata for a column.
Represents a National Character Set LOB object and implements java.sql.NClob.
Provides meta data for prepared statement parameters.
Represents a physical database connection in a connection pool.
Provides an implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement interface that assists in preparing Statements for SQL Server.
Represents a simple resource bundle containing the strings for localizing.
Defines the Top-level JDBC ResultSet implementation.
Provides an implementation of the result set metadata to the SQL Server.
Provides an implementation of JDBC Interface java.sql.Savepoint.
Provides an implementation of java.sql.Statement JDBC Interface to assist in creating Statements against SQL Server.
Specifies how data will be sent and received when reading and writing encrypted columns.
Provides the implementation of the VSM Enclave Provider.
Provides JDBC connections that can participate in distributed (XA) transactions.
Provides database connections for use in distributed (XA) transactions.
Provides an XAResource for XA distributed transaction management.
Provides a utility class for Strings.
Defines the constants that are used to identify the SQL types that are specific to Microsoft SQL Server.
Represents the internal makings of a WKB Linear Ring.
Represents the internal makings of a WKB Point.