
package authenticators

Reference implementations of the authenticators.

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  1. authenticators
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class BearerTokenAuthenticator(id: String, loginInfo: LoginInfo, lastUsedDate: DateTime, expirationDate: DateTime, idleTimeout: Option[Int]) extends StorableAuthenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that uses a header based approach with the help of a bearer token.

  2. class BearerTokenAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[BearerTokenAuthenticator] with Logger

    The service that handles the bearer token authenticator.

  3. case class BearerTokenAuthenticatorSettings(headerName: String = "X-Auth-Token", authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[Int] = scala.Some.apply[Int](30.*(60)), authenticatorExpiry: Int = 12.*(60).*(60)) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for the bearer token authenticator.

  4. case class CookieAuthenticator(id: String, loginInfo: LoginInfo, lastUsedDate: DateTime, expirationDate: DateTime, idleTimeout: Option[Int], fingerprint: Option[String]) extends StorableAuthenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that uses a cookie based approach.

  5. class CookieAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[CookieAuthenticator] with Logger

    The service that handles the cookie authenticator.

  6. case class CookieAuthenticatorSettings(cookieName: String = "id", cookiePath: String = "/", cookieDomain: Option[String] = scala.None, secureCookie: Boolean = ..., httpOnlyCookie: Boolean = true, useFingerprinting: Boolean = true, cookieMaxAge: Option[Int] = ..., authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[Int] = scala.Some.apply[Int](30.*(60)), authenticatorExpiry: Int = 12.*(60).*(60)) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for the cookie authenticator.

  7. case class DummyAuthenticator(loginInfo: LoginInfo) extends Authenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that can be used if a client doesn't need an authenticator to track a user.

  8. class DummyAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[DummyAuthenticator]

    The service that handles the dummy token authenticator.

  9. case class JWTAuthenticator(id: String, loginInfo: LoginInfo, lastUsedDate: DateTime, expirationDate: DateTime, idleTimeout: Option[Int], customClaims: Option[JsObject] = scala.None) extends StorableAuthenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that uses a header based approach with the help of a JWT.

  10. class JWTAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[JWTAuthenticator] with Logger

    The service that handles the JWT authenticator.

  11. case class JWTAuthenticatorSettings(headerName: String = "X-Auth-Token", issuerClaim: String = "play-silhouette", encryptSubject: Boolean = true, authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[Int] = scala.None, authenticatorExpiry: Int = 12.*(60).*(60), sharedSecret: String) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for the JWT authenticator.

  12. case class SessionAuthenticator(loginInfo: LoginInfo, lastUsedDate: DateTime, expirationDate: DateTime, idleTimeout: Option[Int], fingerprint: Option[String]) extends Authenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that uses a stateless, session based approach.

  13. class SessionAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[SessionAuthenticator] with Logger

    The service that handles the session authenticator.

  14. case class SessionAuthenticatorSettings(sessionKey: String = "authenticator", encryptAuthenticator: Boolean = true, useFingerprinting: Boolean = true, authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[Int] = scala.Some.apply[Int](30.*(60)), authenticatorExpiry: Int = 12.*(60).*(60)) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for the session authenticator.

Value Members

  1. object BearerTokenAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

  2. object CookieAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

  3. object DummyAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

  4. object JWTAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

  5. object SessionAuthenticator extends Serializable

    The companion object of the authenticator.

  6. object SessionAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
