
package state

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CookieState(expirationDate: DateTime, value: String) extends OAuth2State with Product with Serializable

    A state which gets persisted in a cookie.

  2. class CookieStateProvider extends OAuth2StateProvider

    Saves the state in a cookie.

  3. case class CookieStateSettings(cookieName: String = "OAuth2State", cookiePath: String = "/", cookieDomain: Option[String] = scala.None, secureCookie: Boolean = ..., httpOnlyCookie: Boolean = true, expirationTime: Int = 5.*(60)) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for the cookie state.

  4. case class DummyState() extends OAuth2State with Product with Serializable

    A dummy state which can be used to avoid state validation.

  5. class DummyStateProvider extends OAuth2StateProvider

    Handles the dummy state.

Value Members

  1. object CookieState extends Serializable

    The cookie state companion object.

  2. object CookieStateProvider

    The CookieStateProvider companion object.
