
package openid

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait SteamProfileBuilder extends CommonSocialProfileBuilder

    The profile builder for the common social profile.

  2. class SteamProfileParser extends SocialProfileParser[OpenIDInfo, CommonSocialProfile]

    The profile parser for the common social profile.

  3. abstract class SteamProvider extends OpenIDProvider

    A Steam OpenID Provider.

  4. trait YahooProfileBuilder extends CommonSocialProfileBuilder

    The profile builder for the common social profile.

  5. class YahooProfileParser extends SocialProfileParser[OpenIDInfo, CommonSocialProfile]

    The profile parser for the common social profile.

  6. abstract class YahooProvider extends OpenIDProvider

    A Yahoo OpenID Provider.

Value Members

  1. object SteamProvider

    The companion object.

  2. object YahooProvider

    The companion object.

  3. package services
