
package api

The collection of traits and utility classes that form the stable API of Silhouette.

The main API is exposed as controller actions by the trait.

Linear Supertypes
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  1. api
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class AuthenticatedEvent[I <: Identity](identity: I, request: RequestHeader, lang: Lang) extends SilhouetteEvent with Product with Serializable

    An event which will be published if a request passes authentication.

    An event which will be published if a request passes authentication.


    The type of the identity.


    The logged in identity.


    The request header for the associated request.


    The lang associated for the current request.

  2. trait Authenticator extends AnyRef

    An authenticator tracks an authenticated user.

  3. trait Authorization[I <: Identity] extends AnyRef

    A trait to define Authorization objects that let you hook an authorization implementation in secured endpoints.

    A trait to define Authorization objects that let you hook an authorization implementation in secured endpoints.


    The type of the identity.

  4. trait Environment[I <: Identity, T <: Authenticator] extends AnyRef

    The environment needed to instantiate a Silhouette controller.

  5. class EventBus extends ActorEventBus with SubchannelClassification

    An event bus implementation which uses a class based lookup classification.

  6. trait Identity extends AnyRef

    This trait represents an authenticated user.

  7. trait Logger extends AnyRef

    Implement this to get a named logger in scope.

  8. case class LoginEvent[I <: Identity](identity: I, request: RequestHeader, lang: Lang) extends SilhouetteEvent with Product with Serializable

    An event which will be published after an identity logged in.

    An event which will be published after an identity logged in.


    The type of the identity.


    The logged in identity.


    The request header for the associated request.


    The lang associated for the current request.

  9. case class LoginInfo(providerID: String, providerKey: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a linked login for an identity (i.e.

    Represents a linked login for an identity (i.e. a local username/password or a Facebook/Google account).

    The login info contains the data about the provider that authenticated that identity.


    The ID of the provider.


    A unique key which identifies a user on this provider (userID, email, ...).

  10. case class LogoutEvent[I <: Identity](identity: I, request: RequestHeader, lang: Lang) extends SilhouetteEvent with Product with Serializable

    An event which will be published after an identity logged out.

    An event which will be published after an identity logged out.


    The type of the identity.


    The logged out identity.


    The request header for the associated request.


    The lang associated for the current request.

  11. case class NotAuthenticatedEvent(request: RequestHeader, lang: Lang) extends SilhouetteEvent with Product with Serializable

    An event which will be published if a request did not pass authentication.

    An event which will be published if a request did not pass authentication.


    The request header for the associated request.


    The lang associated for the current request.

  12. case class NotAuthorizedEvent[I <: Identity](identity: I, request: RequestHeader, lang: Lang) extends SilhouetteEvent with Product with Serializable

    An event which will be published if a request did not pass authorization.

    An event which will be published if a request did not pass authorization.


    The type of the identity.


    The logged in identity.


    The request header for the associated request.


    The lang associated for the current request.

  13. trait Provider extends AnyRef

    A marker interface for all providers.

  14. trait RequestProvider extends Provider

    A provider which can be hooked into a request.

    A provider which can be hooked into a request.

    It scans the request for credentials and returns the login info for it.

  15. trait SecuredSettings extends AnyRef

    Can be mixed into the GlobalSettings object to define a global behaviour for unauthorized and forbidden endpoints.

  16. case class SignUpEvent[I <: Identity](identity: I, request: RequestHeader, lang: Lang) extends SilhouetteEvent with Product with Serializable

    An event which will be published after an identity signed up.

    An event which will be published after an identity signed up.


    The type of the identity.


    The newly created identity.


    The request header for the associated request.


    The lang associated for the current request.

  17. trait Silhouette[I <: Identity, A <: Authenticator] extends Controller with Logger

    Provides the mechanisms that can be used to protect endpoints and retrieve the current user if available.

    Provides the mechanisms that can be used to protect endpoints and retrieve the current user if available.

    class MyController(env: Environment[User, CookieAuthenticator])
      extends Silhouette[User, CookieAuthenticator] {
      def protectedAction = SecuredAction { implicit request =>
        Ok("Hello %s".format(request.identity.fullName))

    The type of the identity.


    The type of the authenticator.

  18. trait SilhouetteEvent extends AnyRef

    The base event.

  19. trait StorableAuthenticator extends Authenticator

    An authenticator which can be stored in a backing store.

  20. trait Token extends AnyRef

    A token used for reset password and sign up operations.

Value Members

  1. object Authenticator

    The companion object.

  2. object Authorization

    The companion object.

  3. object Environment

    The companion object.

  4. object EventBus

    A global event bus instance.

  5. object LoginInfo extends Serializable

    The companion object of the login info.

  6. package exceptions

    Provides exceptions used by the API.

  7. package services

    Provides services used by the API to call external or internal services.

  8. package util

    Provides utilities used by the API.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
