
package authenticators

Reference implementations of the authenticators.

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Type Members

  1. case class BearerTokenAuthenticator(id: String, loginInfo: LoginInfo, lastUsedDate: DateTime, expirationDate: DateTime, idleTimeout: Option[Int]) extends StorableAuthenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that uses a header based approach with the help of a bearer token.

    An authenticator that uses a header based approach with the help of a bearer token. It works by transporting a token in a user defined header to track the authenticated user and a server side backing store that maps the token to an authenticator instance.

    The authenticator can use sliding window expiration. This means that the authenticator times out after a certain time if it wasn't used. This can be controlled with the idleTimeout property.

    Note: If deploying to multiple nodes the backing store will need to synchronize.


    The authenticator ID.


    The linked login info for an identity.


    The last used timestamp.


    The expiration time.


    The time in seconds an authenticator can be idle before it timed out.

  2. class BearerTokenAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[BearerTokenAuthenticator] with Logger

    The service that handles the bearer token authenticator.

  3. case class BearerTokenAuthenticatorSettings(headerName: String = "X-Auth-Token", authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[Int] = Some(30 * 60), authenticatorExpiry: Int = 12 * 60 * 60) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for the bearer token authenticator.

    The settings for the bearer token authenticator.


    The name of the header in which the token will be transfered.


    The time in seconds an authenticator can be idle before it timed out. Defaults to 30 minutes.


    The expiry of the authenticator in seconds. Defaults to 12 hours.

  4. case class CookieAuthenticator(id: String, loginInfo: LoginInfo, lastUsedDate: DateTime, expirationDate: DateTime, idleTimeout: Option[Int], fingerprint: Option[String]) extends StorableAuthenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that uses a cookie based approach.

    An authenticator that uses a cookie based approach. It works by storing an ID in a cookie to track the authenticated user and a server side backing store that maps the ID to an authenticator instance.

    The authenticator can use sliding window expiration. This means that the authenticator times out after a certain time if it wasn't used. This can be controlled with the idleTimeout property.

    Note: If deploying to multiple nodes the backing store will need to synchronize.


    The authenticator ID.


    The linked login info for an identity.


    The last used timestamp.


    The expiration time.


    The time in seconds an authenticator can be idle before it timed out.


    Maybe a fingerprint of the user.

  5. class CookieAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[CookieAuthenticator] with Logger

    The service that handles the cookie authenticator.

  6. case class CookieAuthenticatorSettings(cookieName: String = "id", cookiePath: String = "/", cookieDomain: Option[String] = None, secureCookie: Boolean = Play.isProd, httpOnlyCookie: Boolean = true, useFingerprinting: Boolean = true, cookieMaxAge: Option[Int] = Some(12 * 60 * 60), authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[Int] = Some(30 * 60), authenticatorExpiry: Int = 12 * 60 * 60) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for the cookie authenticator.

    The settings for the cookie authenticator.


    The cookie name.


    The cookie path.


    The cookie domain.


    Whether this cookie is secured, sent only for HTTPS requests.


    Whether this cookie is HTTP only, i.e. not accessible from client-side JavaScript code.


    Indicates if a fingerprint of the user should be stored in the authenticator.


    The cookie expiration date in seconds, None for a transient cookie. Defaults to 12 hours.


    The time in seconds an authenticator can be idle before it timed out. Defaults to 30 minutes.


    The expiry of the authenticator in minutes. Defaults to 12 hours.

  7. case class DummyAuthenticator(loginInfo: LoginInfo) extends Authenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that can be used if a client doesn't need an authenticator to track a user.

    An authenticator that can be used if a client doesn't need an authenticator to track a user. This can be useful for request providers, because authentication may occur here on every request to a protected resource.


    The linked login info for an identity.

  8. class DummyAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[DummyAuthenticator]

    The service that handles the dummy token authenticator.

  9. case class JWTAuthenticator(id: String, loginInfo: LoginInfo, lastUsedDate: DateTime, expirationDate: DateTime, idleTimeout: Option[Int], customClaims: Option[JsObject] = None) extends StorableAuthenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that uses a header based approach with the help of a JWT.

    An authenticator that uses a header based approach with the help of a JWT. It works by using a JWT to transport the authenticator data inside a user defined header. It can be stateless with the disadvantages that the JWT can't be invalidated.

    The authenticator can use sliding window expiration. This means that the authenticator times out after a certain time if it wasn't used. This can be controlled with the idleTimeout property. If this feature is activated then a new token will be generated on every update. Make sure your application can handle this case.


    The authenticator ID.


    The linked login info for an identity.


    The last used timestamp.


    The expiration time.


    The time in seconds an authenticator can be idle before it timed out.


    Custom claims to embed into the token.

    See also

  10. class JWTAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[JWTAuthenticator] with Logger

    The service that handles the JWT authenticator.

    The service that handles the JWT authenticator.

    If the authenticator DAO is deactivated then a stateless approach will be used. But note that you will loose the possibility to invalidate a JWT.

  11. case class JWTAuthenticatorSettings(headerName: String = "X-Auth-Token", issuerClaim: String = "play-silhouette", encryptSubject: Boolean = true, authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[Int] = None, authenticatorExpiry: Int = 12 * 60 * 60, sharedSecret: String) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for the JWT authenticator.

    The settings for the JWT authenticator.


    The name of the header in which the token will be transferred.


    The issuer claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.


    Indicates if the subject should be encrypted in JWT.


    The time in seconds an authenticator can be idle before it timed out.


    The expiry of the authenticator in seconds.


    The shared secret to sign the JWT.

  12. case class SessionAuthenticator(loginInfo: LoginInfo, lastUsedDate: DateTime, expirationDate: DateTime, idleTimeout: Option[Int], fingerprint: Option[String]) extends Authenticator with Product with Serializable

    An authenticator that uses a stateless, session based approach.

    An authenticator that uses a stateless, session based approach. It works by storing a serialized authenticator instance in the Play Framework session cookie.

    The authenticator can use sliding window expiration. This means that the authenticator times out after a certain time if it wasn't used. This can be controlled with the idleTimeout property.


    The linked login info for an identity.


    The last used timestamp.


    The expiration time.


    The time in seconds an authenticator can be idle before it timed out.


    Maybe a fingerprint of the user.

  13. class SessionAuthenticatorService extends AuthenticatorService[SessionAuthenticator] with Logger

    The service that handles the session authenticator.

  14. case class SessionAuthenticatorSettings(sessionKey: String = "authenticator", encryptAuthenticator: Boolean = true, useFingerprinting: Boolean = true, authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[Int] = Some(30 * 60), authenticatorExpiry: Int = 12 * 60 * 60) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for the session authenticator.

    The settings for the session authenticator.


    The key of the authenticator in the session.


    Indicates if the authenticator should be encrypted in session.


    Indicates if a fingerprint of the user should be stored in the authenticator.


    The time in seconds an authenticator can be idle before it timed out. Defaults to 30 minutes.


    The expiry of the authenticator in minutes. Defaults to 12 hours.

Value Members

  1. object BearerTokenAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

  2. object CookieAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

  3. object DummyAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

  4. object JWTAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

  5. object SessionAuthenticator extends Serializable

    The companion object of the authenticator.

  6. object SessionAuthenticatorService

    The companion object of the authenticator service.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
