

trait NullOptions extends ProductFormats

This trait supplies an alternative rendering mode for optional case class members. Normally optional members that are undefined (None) are not rendered at all. By mixing in this trait into your custom JsonProtocol you can enforce the rendering of undefined members as null. (Note that this only affect JSON writing, spray-json will always read missing optional members as well as null optional members as None.)

Self Type
NullOptions with StandardFormats
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. NullOptions
  2. ProductFormats
  3. ProductFormatsInstances
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def extractFieldNames(classManifest: ClassManifest[_]): Array[String]

    Definition Classes
  9. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  10. def fromField[T](value: JsValue, fieldName: String)(implicit reader: JsonReader[T]): T

    Definition Classes
  11. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  12. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  13. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  14. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P22, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P22) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String, fieldName19: String, fieldName20: String, fieldName21: String, fieldName22: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P21], arg21: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P22]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  15. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String, fieldName19: String, fieldName20: String, fieldName21: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P21]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  16. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String, fieldName19: String, fieldName20: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  17. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String, fieldName19: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  18. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  19. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  20. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  21. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  22. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  23. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  24. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  25. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  26. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  27. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  28. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  29. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  30. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  31. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  32. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  33. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, P3, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  34. def jsonFormat[P1, P2, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  35. def jsonFormat[P1, T <: Product](construct: (P1) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  36. def jsonFormat1[P1, T <: Product](construct: (P1) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  37. def jsonFormat10[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  38. def jsonFormat11[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  39. def jsonFormat12[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  40. def jsonFormat13[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  41. def jsonFormat14[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  42. def jsonFormat15[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  43. def jsonFormat16[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  44. def jsonFormat17[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  45. def jsonFormat18[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  46. def jsonFormat19[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  47. def jsonFormat2[P1, P2, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  48. def jsonFormat20[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  49. def jsonFormat21[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P21], arg21: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  50. def jsonFormat22[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P22, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P22) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P21], arg21: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P22], arg22: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  51. def jsonFormat3[P1, P2, P3, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  52. def jsonFormat4[P1, P2, P3, P4, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  53. def jsonFormat5[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  54. def jsonFormat6[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  55. def jsonFormat7[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  56. def jsonFormat8[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  57. def jsonFormat9[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  58. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P22, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P22) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String, fieldName19: String, fieldName20: String, fieldName21: String, fieldName22: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P21], arg21: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P22]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  59. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String, fieldName19: String, fieldName20: String, fieldName21: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P21]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  60. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String, fieldName19: String, fieldName20: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  61. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String, fieldName19: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  62. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String, fieldName18: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  63. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String, fieldName17: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  64. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String, fieldName16: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  65. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String, fieldName15: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  66. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String, fieldName14: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  67. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String, fieldName13: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  68. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String, fieldName12: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  69. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String, fieldName11: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  70. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String, fieldName10: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  71. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String, fieldName9: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  72. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String, fieldName8: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  73. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String, fieldName7: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  74. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String, fieldName6: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  75. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String, fieldName5: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  76. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, P4, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String, fieldName4: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  77. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, P3, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String, fieldName3: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  78. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, P2, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String, fieldName2: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  79. def jsonUnorderedFormat[P1, T <: Product](construct: (P1) ⇒ T, fieldName1: String)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  80. def jsonUnorderedFormat1[P1, T <: Product](construct: (P1) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  81. def jsonUnorderedFormat10[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  82. def jsonUnorderedFormat11[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  83. def jsonUnorderedFormat12[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  84. def jsonUnorderedFormat13[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  85. def jsonUnorderedFormat14[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  86. def jsonUnorderedFormat15[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  87. def jsonUnorderedFormat16[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  88. def jsonUnorderedFormat17[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  89. def jsonUnorderedFormat18[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  90. def jsonUnorderedFormat19[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  91. def jsonUnorderedFormat2[P1, P2, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  92. def jsonUnorderedFormat20[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  93. def jsonUnorderedFormat21[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P21], arg21: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  94. def jsonUnorderedFormat22[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P22, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P22) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P10], arg10: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P11], arg11: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P12], arg12: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P13], arg13: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P14], arg14: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P15], arg15: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P16], arg16: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P17], arg17: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P18], arg18: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P19], arg19: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P20], arg20: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P21], arg21: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P22], arg22: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  95. def jsonUnorderedFormat3[P1, P2, P3, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  96. def jsonUnorderedFormat4[P1, P2, P3, P4, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  97. def jsonUnorderedFormat5[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  98. def jsonUnorderedFormat6[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  99. def jsonUnorderedFormat7[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  100. def jsonUnorderedFormat8[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  101. def jsonUnorderedFormat9[P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, T <: Product](construct: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P1], arg1: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P2], arg2: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P3], arg3: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P4], arg4: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P5], arg5: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P6], arg6: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P7], arg7: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P8], arg8: (NullOptions.this)#JF[P9], arg9: ClassManifest[T]): RootJsonFormat[T]

    Definition Classes
  102. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  103. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  104. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  105. def productElement2Field[T](fieldName: String, p: Product, ix: Int, rest: List[JsField])(implicit writer: JsonWriter[T]): List[JsField]

    Definition Classes
  106. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  107. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  108. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  109. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  110. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from ProductFormats

Inherited from ProductFormatsInstances

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
