Class SurgicalDebugFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:
ShouldFilter<HttpRequestMessage>, SyncZuulFilter<HttpRequestMessage,HttpRequestMessage>, ZuulFilter<HttpRequestMessage,HttpRequestMessage>

@Filter(order=99, type=INBOUND) public class SurgicalDebugFilter extends HttpInboundSyncFilter
This is an abstract filter that will route requests that match the patternMatches() method to a debug Eureka "VIP" or host specified by or
  • Constructor Details

    • SurgicalDebugFilter

      public SurgicalDebugFilter()
  • Method Details

    • patternMatches

      protected boolean patternMatches(HttpRequestMessage request)
      Returning true by the pattern or logic implemented in this method will route the request to the specified origin Override this method when using this filter to add your own pattern matching logic.
      true if this request should be routed to the debug origin
    • filterOrder

      public int filterOrder()
      Description copied from interface: ZuulFilter
      filterOrder() must also be defined for a filter. Filters may have the same filterOrder if precedence is not important for a filter. filterOrders do not need to be sequential.
      the int order of a filter
    • shouldFilter

      public boolean shouldFilter(HttpRequestMessage request)
      Description copied from interface: ShouldFilter
      a "true" return from this method means that the apply() method should be invoked
      true if the apply() method should be invoked. false will not invoke the apply() method
    • apply

      public HttpRequestMessage apply(HttpRequestMessage request)