Class DependentSchemas

    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public Set<ValidationMessage> validate​(ExecutionContext executionContext,
                                               com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode node,
                                               com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode rootNode,
                                               JsonNodePath instanceLocation)
        Description copied from interface: JsonValidator
        Validate the given JsonNode, the given node is the child node of the root node at given data path.
        executionContext - ExecutionContext
        node - JsonNode
        rootNode - JsonNode
        instanceLocation - JsonNodePath
        A list of ValidationMessage if there is any validation error, or an empty list if there is no error.
      • preloadJsonSchema

        public void preloadJsonSchema()
        Description copied from interface: JsonValidator
        In case the JsonValidator has a related JsonSchema or several ones, calling preloadJsonSchema will actually load the schema document(s) eagerly.
      • walk

        public Set<ValidationMessage> walk​(ExecutionContext executionContext,
                                           com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode node,
                                           com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode rootNode,
                                           JsonNodePath instanceLocation,
                                           boolean shouldValidateSchema)
        Description copied from interface: JsonValidator
        This is default implementation of walk method. Its job is to call the validate method if shouldValidateSchema is enabled.
        executionContext - ExecutionContext
        node - JsonNode
        rootNode - JsonNode
        instanceLocation - JsonNodePath
        shouldValidateSchema - boolean
        a set of validation messages if shouldValidateSchema is true.