

package basics

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed class CompositeKeyRecipes extends Implicits.CassandraTable[CompositeKeyRecipes, Recipe]

    In this example we will create a table storing recipes.

  2. trait DBConnector extends AnyRef

  3. case class Recipe(id: UUID, name: String, title: String, author: String, description: String, ingredients: Set[String], props: Map[String, String], timestamp: DateTime) extends Product with Serializable

    In this example we will create a simple table storing recipes.

  4. sealed class Recipes extends Implicits.CassandraTable[Recipes, Recipe]

  5. trait SampleModel extends ThriftStruct with Product3[String, String, Option[String]] with Serializable

  6. case class SampleRecord(stuff: String, someList: List[String], thriftModel: SampleModel) extends Product with Serializable

  7. sealed class SecondaryKeyRecipes extends Implicits.CassandraTable[SecondaryKeyRecipes, Recipe]

    In this example we will create a table storing recipes with a SecondaryKey.

  8. sealed class ThriftTable extends Implicits.CassandraTable[ThriftTable, SampleRecord]

Value Members

  1. object CompositeKeyRecipes extends CompositeKeyRecipes with DBConnector

  2. object DBConnector

  3. object Recipes extends Recipes with DBConnector

  4. object SampleModel extends ThriftStructCodec3[SampleModel] with Serializable

  5. object SecondaryKeyRecipes extends SecondaryKeyRecipes with DBConnector
