



package completion

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AlphabeticalSortingSupport extends RegexCompletionSupport

  2. trait CompletionExpansionSupport extends RegexCompletionSupport

  3. trait CompletionSupport extends Parsers with CompletionTypes


    CompletionSupport adds completion capability to parsers.

    CompletionSupport adds completion capability to parsers.

    When mixed-in, this trait extends the scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers.Parser type with the abstract method com.nexthink.utils.parsing.combinator.completion.CompletionSupport.Parser#completions which returns a instance of com.nexthink.utils.parsing.combinator.completion.CompletionTypes.Completions for a certain input.

    Combinators are overloaded to cover the additional completion aspect, so that no change is required in the grammar.

    Note that the derived trait com.nexthink.utils.parsing.combinator.completion.RegexCompletionSupport can be mixed-in with RegexParsers to automatically obtain completion behavior for string literals.

    A set of additional operators allow defining completions and specifying structural properties of completions (tag, score, meta, etc.) for a Parser.

  4. trait CompletionTypes extends AnyRef


    Collection of data types allowing definition of structured parser completions.

    Collection of data types allowing definition of structured parser completions. A Completions instance can contain multiple CompletionSets instances. A CompletionSet provides a set of Completion entries and is tagged with a CompletionTag.

    Sets allow structuring the completion entries into groups, each group tagged with a label (plus optional description and meta, the latter allowing e.g. encoding visual attributes for the set). Sets also feature a score, which defines the order between sets within the Completions instance.

    Each Completion entry within a set has a value, a score and a meta: the score allows ordering the entries within a set, and the meta can e.g. be used to assign a representation style for a particular completion entry.

    Note that specifying tags and sets is optional: if no tag is specified upon creation, Completions instances create a unique default set with an empty tag.

  5. trait RegexCompletionSupport extends RegexParsers with CompletionSupport


    This component extends RegexParsers with completion capability.

    This component extends RegexParsers with completion capability. In particular, it provides completions for the literal parser. Note that completions for the regex parser are undefined by default and can be specified with the %> operator.

  6. trait TermsParsers extends RegexParsers with RegexCompletionSupport with TermsParsingHelpers with AlphabeticalSortingSupport


    This trait adds specialized parsers for dealing with large lists of terms, both in terms of parsing (using a fast trie-based lookup) and completion (supporting fuzzy matching)

  7. trait TermsParsingHelpers extends AnyRef


Value Members

  1. object TermsParsers extends TermsParsers

