
package text

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DownloadSink extends DataSink[NullWritable, NullWritable, NullWritable]

    This is a dummy sink just used to collect files downloaded in map tasks

  2. class OverwritableTextOutputFormat[K, V] extends TextOutputFormat[K, V]

  3. class PartitionedTextOutputFormat[P, K, V] extends PartitionedOutputFormat[P, K, V]

    This format creates a new text record writer for each different path that's generated by the partition function Each record writer defines a specific OutputCommitter that will define a different work directory for a given key.

  4. case class TextFileSink[A](path: String, overwrite: Boolean = false, check: (Path, Boolean, ScoobiConfiguration) ⇒ Unit = core.Sink.defaultOutputCheck, compression: Option[Compression] = scala.None)(implicit evidence$1: Manifest[A]) extends DataSink[NullWritable, A, A] with Product with Serializable

  5. trait TextInput extends AnyRef

    Smart functions for materialising distributed lists by loading text files.

  6. trait TextOutput extends AnyRef

    Smart functions for persisting distributed lists by storing them as text files.

  7. case class TextSource[A](paths: Seq[String], inputFormat: Class[_ <: FileInputFormat[LongWritable, Text]] = ..., inputConverter: InputConverter[LongWritable, Text, A] = TextInput.defaultTextConverter, check: (Seq[Path], ScoobiConfiguration) ⇒ Unit = core.Source.defaultInputCheck)(implicit evidence$1: WireFormat[A]) extends DataSource[LongWritable, Text, A] with Product with Serializable

    Class that abstracts all the common functionality of reading from text files.

Value Members

  1. object TextFileSink extends Serializable

  2. object TextInput extends TextInput

  3. object TextOutput extends TextOutput
