Class BaseSelfContainedAccessTokenClaimsCodec

All Implemented Interfaces:
Lifecycle, SelfContainedAccessTokenClaimsCodec

@ThreadSafe public abstract class BaseSelfContainedAccessTokenClaimsCodec extends Object implements SelfContainedAccessTokenClaimsCodec
Base implementation of the SPI for encoding and decoding authorisations for self-contained access tokens into JWT claims sets.

Provides encoding and decoding for all token parameters for which there is an appropriate standard JWT claim (see JSON Web Token (JWT) (RFC 7519), section 4.1, OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens (RFC 8705), section 3.1), and OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP) (draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-16), section 6:

The extending class should implement encoding and decoding for the remaining token parameters: