Class AuthzIdResolver

  • public class AuthzIdResolver
    extends Object
    Resolves the authorisation identity (authzId) associated with a bind (auth) request.
    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        public static AuthzId resolve​(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.SimpleBindRequest bindRequest)
        Resolves the authzId (user) of a simple bind request.
        bindRequest - The bind request, must not be null.
        The authzId, null if it couldn't be resolved.
      • resolve

        public static AuthzId resolve​(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.PLAINBindRequest bindRequest)
        Resolves the authzId (user) of a plain SASL bind request. If a target user is specified, the authorisation identity is returned, else the authentication identity.
        bindRequest - The bind request, must not be null.
        The authzId, null if it couldn't be resolved.
      • resolve

        public static AuthzId resolve​(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.BindRequest bindRequest)
        Resolves the authzId (user) of a bind request.
        bindRequest - The bind request, must not be null.
        The authzId, null if it couldn't be resolved or the bind request type is not supported.