Class Banner

  • public class Banner
    extends Object
    Welcome banner for Connect2id JSON-RPC 2.0 services.

    Example output:

     Use HTTP POST to submit your JSON-RPC 2.0 request
     Web service: LdapAuth, version 3.0.1 (2014-02-20)
     Vendor: Connect2id Ltd.,
     Supported JSON-RPC 2.0 requests:
            * user.auth
            * user.get
            * ws.getName
            * ws.getTime
            * ws.getVersion
    • Constructor Detail

      • Banner

        public Banner​(String wsName,
                      String wsVersion,
                      String[] methods)
        Creates a new welcome banner for a Connect2id JSON-RPC 2.0 service.
        wsName - The web service name. Must not be null.
        wsVersion - The web service version and build date. Must not be null.
        methods - The handled methods. Must not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getWsName

        public String getWsName()
        Gets the web service name.
        The web service name.
      • getWsVersion

        public String getWsVersion()
        Gets the web service version and build date.
        The web service version and build date.
      • getHandledJSONRPC2Methods

        public String[] getHandledJSONRPC2Methods()
        Gets the handled JSON-RPC 2.0 methods.
        The handled JSON-RPC 2.0 methods, sorted.
      • composeMessage

        public static String composeMessage​(String wsName,
                                            String wsVersion,
                                            String[] methods)
        Composes a banner message.
        wsName - The web service name. Must not be null.
        wsVersion - The web service version and build date. Must not be null.
        methods - The handled methods. Must not be null.
        The banner message.
      • apply

        public void apply​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse httpResponse)
                   throws IOException
        Applies this banner to the specified HTTP servlet response.

        Appends a "X-Web-Service" HTTP header set to getWsName().

        Sets the "Content-Type" HTTP header to "text/plain;charset=utf-8".

        Prints a message with the following format:

         Use HTTP POST to submit your JSON-RPC 2.0 request
         Web service: [ws-name], [ws-version]
         Vendor: Connect2id Ltd.,
         Supported JSON-RPC 2.0 requests:
                * [method-1]
              * [method-2]
              * [method-x]
        httpResponse - The HTTP servlet response.
        IOException - If an I/O exception was encountered.