Class LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails

    • Field Detail

      • connectionPoolSize

        public final int connectionPoolSize
        The target connection pool size. Must be greater than zero.

        Property key: [prefix]connectionPoolSize

      • connectionPoolInitialSize

        public final int connectionPoolInitialSize
        The initial connection pool size. Must be greater than zero and less or equal to connectionPoolSize.

        Property key: [prefix]connectionPoolInitialSize

      • connectionPoolMaxWaitTime

        public final int connectionPoolMaxWaitTime
        The maximum length of time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to become available when trying to obtain a connection from the pool. A value of zero should be used to indicate that the pool should not block at all if no connections are available and that it should either create a new connection or throw an exception.

        Property key: [prefix]connectionPoolMaxWaitTime

      • connectionMaxAge

        public final long connectionMaxAge
        The maximum time in milliseconds that a connection in this pool may be established before it should be closed and replaced with another connection. A value of zero indicates that no maximum age should be enforced.

        Property key: [prefix]connectionMaxAge

    • Constructor Detail

      • LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails

        public LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails​(String prefix,
                                               Properties props)
                                        throws com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException
        Creates a new LDAP server connection pool details instance from the specified properties.

        Mandatory properties:

        • [prefix]url

        Conditionally mandatory properties:

        • [prefix]selectionAlgorithm - if more than one LDAP server URL is specified.

        Optional properties, with defaults:

        • [prefix]security = STARTTLS
        • [prefix]connectTimeout = 0
        • [prefix]trustSelfSignedCerts = false
        • [prefix]connectionPoolSize = 5
        • [prefix]connectionPoolInitialSize = 0
        • [prefix]connectionPoolMaxWaitTime = 500
        • [prefix]connectionMaxAge = 0
        prefix - The properties prefix. Must not be null.
        props - The properties. Must not be null.
        com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException - On a missing or invalid property.
      • LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails

        public LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails​(String prefix,
                                               Properties props,
                                               boolean requireURL)
                                        throws com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException
        Creates a new LDAP server connection pool details instance from the specified properties.

        Mandatory properties:

        • none

        Conditionally mandatory properties:

        • [prefix]url
        • [prefix]selectionAlgorithm - if more than one LDAP server URL is specified.

        Optional properties, with defaults:

        • [prefix]security = STARTTLS
        • [prefix]connectTimeout = 0
        • [prefix]trustSelfSignedCerts = false
        • [prefix]connectionPoolSize = 5
        • [prefix]connectionPoolInitialSize = 0
        • [prefix]connectionPoolMaxWaitTime = 500
        • [prefix]connectionMaxAge = 0
        prefix - The properties prefix. Must not be null.
        props - The properties. Must not be null.
        com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException - On a missing or invalid property.