Class MonitorConfiguration.Graphite

    • Field Detail

      • enable

        public final boolean enable
        Enables / disables reporting.
      • host

        public final String host
        The name / IP address of the Carbon server host.
      • port

        public final int port
        The port of the Carbon server.
      • reportInterval

        public final int reportInterval
        The report interval, in seconds.
      • batchSize

        public final int batchSize
        Controls batching (pickling) of metrics to the Carbon server, zero if disabled.
      • prefix

        public final String prefix
        Prefix for the metrics that are sent to the Carbon server. May be used to send a password or other credential to the server.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Graphite

        public Graphite​(Properties props)
                 throws com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException
        Creates a new Graphite reporting configuration.
        props - The properties. Must not be null.
        com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException - On a missing or invalid property.