Class WebServiceDetails

    • Field Detail

      • url

        public final URL url
        The HTTP(S) URL of the web service.

        Property key: [prefix]url

      • trustSelfSignedCerts

        public final boolean trustSelfSignedCerts
        Specifies whether to accept self-signed X.509 certificates presented by the web service (for HTTPS connections).

        Property key: [prefix]trustSelfSignedCerts

      • connectTimeout

        public final int connectTimeout
        Specifies an HTTP connect timeout for web service requests, in milliseconds. Zero implies the option is disabled (timeout of infinity).

        Property key: [prefix]connectTimeout

      • readTimeout

        public final int readTimeout
        Specifies an HTTP read timeout for web service requests, in milliseconds. Zero implies the option is disabled (timeout of infinity).

        Property key: [prefix]readTimeout

      • apiKey

        public final String apiKey
        Optional API key to include with requests to the web service, null if none.

        Property key: [prefix]apiKey

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebServiceDetails

        public WebServiceDetails​(String prefix,
                                 Properties props)
                          throws com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException
        Creates a new web service details instance from the specified properties.

        Mandatory properties:

        • [prefix]url

        Optional properties, with defaults:

        • [prefix]trustSelfSignedCerts = false
        • [prefix]connectTimeout = 0
        • [prefix]readTimeout = 0
        • [prefix]apiKey = null
        prefix - The properties prefix. Must not be null.
        props - The properties. Must not be null.
        com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException - On a missing or invalid property.