Class SampleDirectory.Configuration

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      String baseDN
      The base distinguished name (DN) of the directory information tree.
      String content
      The initial directory information tree, supplied in a single LDIF file.
      static boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE
      The default enable policy.
      static Set<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.OperationType> DEFAULT_OPERATIONS
      The default permitted LDAP operations.
      static int DEFAULT_PORT
      The default port number.
      boolean enable
      If true the sample directory server must be enabled.
      Set<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.OperationType> operations
      Specifies the permitted LDAP operations.
      int port
      The port number on which the sample directory server must accept LDAP client connections.
      String schema
      Specifies an alternative schema for the sample directory + server, supplied in a single LDIF file.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Configuration​(Properties props)
      Creates a new sample directory server configuration from the specified properties.
    • Field Detail

      • enable

        public final boolean enable
        If true the sample directory server must be enabled.

        Property key: sampleDirectoryServer.enable

      • port

        public final int port
        The port number on which the sample directory server must accept LDAP client connections.

        Property key: sampleDirectoryServer.port

      • operations

        public final Set<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.OperationType> operations
        Specifies the permitted LDAP operations.

        Property key: sampleDirectoryServer.operations


        public static final Set<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.OperationType> DEFAULT_OPERATIONS
        The default permitted LDAP operations.
      • schema

        public final String schema
        Specifies an alternative schema for the sample directory + server, supplied in a single LDIF file. If null the default built-in server schema must be used.

        Property key: sampleDirectoryServer.schema

      • baseDN

        public final String baseDN
        The base distinguished name (DN) of the directory information tree.

        Property key: sampleDirectoryServer.baseDN

      • content

        public final String content
        The initial directory information tree, supplied in a single LDIF file. If null the directory will be left empty.

        Property key: sampleDirectoryServer.content

    • Constructor Detail

      • Configuration

        public Configuration​(Properties props)
                      throws com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException
        Creates a new sample directory server configuration from the specified properties.
        props - The configuration properties. Must not be null.
        com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException - On a missing or invalid property.