Class BasicAccessTokenValidator

    • Field Detail

      • expectedTokenHashes

        protected final List<byte[]> expectedTokenHashes
        The expected access token hashes, empty list if access to the web API is disabled.
      • hashSalt

        protected byte[] hashSalt
        Optional salt for computing the SHA-256 hashes.
      • log

        protected org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger log
        Optional logger.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicAccessTokenValidator

        public BasicAccessTokenValidator​(com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.token.BearerAccessToken accessToken)
        Creates a new basic access token validator.
        accessToken - The Bearer access token. If null access to the web API will be disabled.
      • BasicAccessTokenValidator

        public BasicAccessTokenValidator​(com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.token.BearerAccessToken... accessTokens)
        Creates a new basic access token validator.
        accessTokens - The Bearer access tokens. If null access to the web API will be disabled.
    • Method Detail

      • validateBearerAccessToken

        public void validateBearerAccessToken​(String authzHeader)
        Description copied from interface: MasterAccessTokenValidator
        Validates a bearer access token passed in the specified HTTP Authorization header value.
        authzHeader - The HTTP Authorization header value, null if not specified.
        Throws: - If the header value is null, the web API is disabled, or the Bearer access token is missing or invalid.
      • validateBearerAccessToken

        public boolean validateBearerAccessToken​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest servletRequest,
                                                 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse servletResponse)
                                          throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: MasterAccessTokenValidator
        Validates a bearer access token passed in the specified HTTP servlet request.
        servletRequest - The HTTP servlet request. Must not be null.
        servletResponse - The HTTP servlet response. Must not be null.
        true if the bearer access token was successfully validated, false.
        IOException - If the response couldn't be written.
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid​(com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.token.BearerAccessToken accessToken)
        Description copied from interface: MasterAccessTokenValidator
        Returns true if the specified bearer access token is valid.
        Specified by:
        isValid in interface MasterAccessTokenValidator
        accessToken - The bearer access token to check, null if not specified.
        true if the specified bearer access token is valid, else false.
      • getNumberConfiguredTokens

        public int getNumberConfiguredTokens()
        Returns the number of configured tokens.
        The number of configured tokens, zero if none.