Class LDAPControlRequestParser


public class LDAPControlRequestParser extends Object
LDAP control request parser. Provides parsing of JSON-based requests for the following controls:
  • Server-side-sort request control (RFC 2891).
  • Simple paged results control (RFC 2696).
  • Virtual list view control (draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv)
  • Method Details

    • parseServerSideSortRequestControl

      public static com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.controls.ServerSideSortRequestControl parseServerSideSortRequestControl(List<Object> sortParams) throws com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Error
      Parses a JSON array (java.util.List) representing a server-side sort (RFC 2891) request.


       [ { "key"          : "sn", 
           "reverseOrder" : false, 
           "orderingRule" : null  }, 
         { "key"          : "givenName",
           "reverseOrder" : false,
           "orderingRule" : null } ]
      sortParams - JSON array of JSON objects with properties "key" (mandatory string), "reverseOrder" (optional boolean, defaults to false) and "orderingRule" (optional string, defaults to null). If null no control is requested.
      The resulting server-side sort request control or null if none is requested.
      com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Error - If the parameters are invalid.
    • parseSimplePagedResultsControl

      public static com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.controls.SimplePagedResultsControl parseSimplePagedResultsControl(Map<String,Object> pageParams) throws com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Error
      Parses a JSON object (java.util.Map) representing a simple paged results (RFC 2696) request.


       { "size"   : 25, 
         "cookie" : "AAAAAAAAABw=" }
      pageParams - JSON object with properties "size" (mandatory integer, must be positive) and "cookie" (optional BASE64 - encoded string, defaults to empty string). If null no control is requested.
      The resulting simple paged results control or null if none is requested.
      com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Error - If the parameters are invalid.
    • parseVirtualListViewControl

      public static com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.controls.VirtualListViewRequestControl parseVirtualListViewControl(Map<String,Object> vlvParams) throws com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Error
      Parses a JSON object (java.util.Map) representing a virtual list view (draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv-09) request.

      Minimally specified example:

       { "after" : 9 }

      Fully specified example:

       { "offset"          : 11, 
         "before"          : 0,
         "after"           : 9,
         "totalEntryCount" : 123,
         "cookie"          : "AAAAAAAAABw=" }
      vlvParams - JSON object with properties "offset" (optional integer, must be positive, defaults to one), "before" (optional integer, must be zero or positive, defaults to zero), "after" (mandatory integer, must be zero or positive), "totalEntryCount" (optional integer, must be zero or positive, defaults to zero) and "cookie" (optional BASE64 - encoded string, defaults to empty string). If null no control is requested.
      The resulting virtual list view control or null if none is requested.
      com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Error - If the parameters are invalid.