Interface SQLStoreConfigurationChildBuilder<S>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    org.infinispan.configuration.cache.ConfigurationChildBuilder, org.infinispan.configuration.cache.StoreConfigurationChildBuilder<S>
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SQLStoreConfigurationChildBuilder<S>
    extends org.infinispan.configuration.cache.StoreConfigurationChildBuilder<S>
    SQL store configuration child builder.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder connectionPool​(java.lang.String cacheName)
      Sets the optional connection pool reference.
      SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder createTableIfMissing​(boolean createTableIfMissing)
      Sets the optional create table if missing configuration.
      SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder createTableIgnoreErrors​(boolean createTableIgnoreErrors)
      Sets the optional create table ignore errors configuration.
      SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder queryExecutorClass​(java.lang.Class queryExecutorClass)
      Sets the optional class for executing direct SQL queries against the database.
      SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder recordTransformerClass​(java.lang.Class recordTransformerClass)
      Sets the class for transforming between Infinispan entries (key / value pair and optional metadata) and a corresponding SQL record.
      SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder sqlDialect​(org.jooq.SQLDialect sqlDialect)
      Sets the preferred SQL dialect.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.configuration.cache.ConfigurationChildBuilder

        build, clustering, customInterceptors, encoding, expiration, indexing, invocationBatching, jmxStatistics, locking, memory, persistence, query, security, simpleCache, simpleCache, sites, statistics, template, transaction, unsafe, validate
      • Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.configuration.cache.StoreConfigurationChildBuilder

        addProperty, async, fetchPersistentState, ignoreModifications, maxBatchSize, preload, purgeOnStartup, segmented, shared, transactional, withProperties, writeOnly
    • Method Detail

      • recordTransformerClass

        SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder recordTransformerClass​(java.lang.Class recordTransformerClass)
        Sets the class for transforming between Infinispan entries (key / value pair and optional metadata) and a corresponding SQL record.
        recordTransformerClass - The record transformer class. Must not be null.
        The builder.
      • queryExecutorClass

        SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder queryExecutorClass​(java.lang.Class queryExecutorClass)
        Sets the optional class for executing direct SQL queries against the database.
        queryExecutorClass - The query executor class, null if not specified.
        The builder.
      • sqlDialect

        SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder sqlDialect​(org.jooq.SQLDialect sqlDialect)
        Sets the preferred SQL dialect.
        sqlDialect - The preferred SQL dialect. Must not be null.
        The builder.
      • createTableIfMissing

        SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder createTableIfMissing​(boolean createTableIfMissing)
        Sets the optional create table if missing configuration.
        createTableIfMissing - true to create the underlying SQL table(s) if they are missing (the default setting), false to skip this check.
        The builder.
      • createTableIgnoreErrors

        SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder createTableIgnoreErrors​(boolean createTableIgnoreErrors)
        Sets the optional create table ignore errors configuration.
        createTableIgnoreErrors - true to ignore create table errors, false to treat them as fatal.
        The builder.
      • connectionPool

        SQLStoreConfigurationBuilder connectionPool​(java.lang.String cacheName)
        Sets the optional connection pool reference.
        cacheName - The cache name for which to use its SQL store connection pool, null if not specified.
        The builder.