Package com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.source
package com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.source
JSON Web Key (JWK) sourcing interface and utilities. Typical sources can be
a local text file containing a JWK set, a JWK set specified by URL, a Java
keystore, or a database.
ClassDescriptionCachingJWKSetSource<C extends SecurityContext>Caching JWKSetSource.JWK set cache refresh completed event.JWK set cache refresh initiated event.JWK set cache refresh timed out event.Unable to refresh the JWK set cache event.Waiting for a JWK set cache refresh to complete on another thread event.Deprecated.see RemoteJWKSet.ImmutableJWKSet<C extends SecurityContext>JSON Web Key (JWK) source backed by an immutable JWK set.ImmutableSecret<C extends SecurityContext>JSON Web Key (JWK) source backed by an immutable secret.A
backed by keys found in theJWKSecurityContext
.JWKSetBasedJWKSource<C extends SecurityContext>JSON Web Key (JWK) set based JWK source.Deprecated.see RemoteJWKSet.Evaluates whether a JWK set cache requires refreshing.JWK set parse exception, in the context of JWK set retrieval.JWK set retrieval exception, due to a network issue or the remote server being unavailable.JWKSetSource<C extends SecurityContext>JSON Web Key (JWK) set source.Decorates a JWKSetSource with health status reporting.JWKSetSourceWrapper<C extends SecurityContext>Wraps a JWKSetSource to provide convenient decoration by means of subclassing.JWK set unavailable exception.Deprecated.see RemoteJWKSet.JWKSource<C extends SecurityContext>JSON Web Key (JWK) source.JWKSourceBuilder<C extends SecurityContext>JWKSource builder.JWKSourceWithFailover<C extends SecurityContext>JWK source with optional failover.OutageTolerantJWKSetSource<C extends SecurityContext>JWKSetSource with outage tolerance to handle temporary network issues and endpoint downtime, potentially running into minutes or hours.JWK set source outage event.RateLimitedJWKSetSource<C extends SecurityContext>JWKSetSource that limits the number of requests in a time period.Rate limited event.Rate limit reached exception.RefreshAheadCachingJWKSetSource<C extends SecurityContext>Caching JWKSetSource that refreshes the JWK set prior to its expiration.JWK set refresh not scheduled event.New JWK set refresh scheduled event.Scheduled JWK set cache refresh completed event.Scheduled JWK refresh failed event.Scheduled JWK set cache refresh initiated event.Unable to refresh the JWK set cache ahead of expiration event.RemoteJWKSet<C extends SecurityContext>Deprecated.Construct a JWKSource using JWKSourceBuilder.RetryingJWKSetSource<C extends SecurityContext>JWKSetSource with with retry capability to work around transient network issues.RetryingJWKSetSource.RetrialEvent<C extends SecurityContext>Retrial event.URLBasedJWKSetSource<C extends SecurityContext>JWK set source that loads the keys from aURL
, without health status reporting.