Class PasswordBasedDecrypter

    • Constructor Detail

      • PasswordBasedDecrypter

        public PasswordBasedDecrypter​(byte[] password)
        Creates a new password-based decrypter.
        password - The password bytes. Must not be empty or null.
      • PasswordBasedDecrypter

        public PasswordBasedDecrypter​(String password)
        Creates a new password-based decrypter.
        password - The password, as a UTF-8 encoded string. Must not be empty or null.
    • Method Detail

      • decrypt

        public byte[] decrypt​(JWEHeader header,
                              Base64URL encryptedKey,
                              Base64URL iv,
                              Base64URL cipherText,
                              Base64URL authTag)
                       throws JOSEException
        Decrypts the specified cipher text of a JWE Object.
        header - The JSON Web Encryption (JWE) header. Must specify a supported JWE algorithm and method. Must not be null.
        encryptedKey - The encrypted key, null if not required by the JWE algorithm.
        iv - The initialisation vector, null if not required by the JWE algorithm.
        cipherText - The cipher text to decrypt. Must not be null.
        authTag - The authentication tag, null if not required.
        The clear text.
        JOSEException - If the JWE algorithm or method is not supported, if a critical header parameter is not supported or marked for deferral to the application, or if decryption failed for some other reason.
      • decrypt

        public byte[] decrypt​(JWEHeader header,
                              Base64URL encryptedKey,
                              Base64URL iv,
                              Base64URL cipherText,
                              Base64URL authTag,
                              byte[] aad)
                       throws JOSEException
        Description copied from interface: JWEDecrypter
        Decrypts the specified cipher text of a JWE Object.
        Specified by:
        decrypt in interface JWEDecrypter
        header - The JSON Web Encryption (JWE) header. Must specify a supported JWE algorithm and method. Must not be null.
        encryptedKey - The encrypted key, null if not required by the JWE algorithm.
        iv - The initialisation vector, null if not required by the JWE algorithm.
        cipherText - The cipher text to decrypt. Must not be null.
        authTag - The authentication tag, null if not required.
        aad - The additional authenticated data. Must not be null.
        The clear text.
        JOSEException - If the JWE algorithm or method is not supported, if a critical header parameter is not supported or marked for deferral to the application, or if decryption failed for some other reason.