Class DirectDecrypter

    • Constructor Detail

      • DirectDecrypter

        public DirectDecrypter​(SecretKey key)
                        throws KeyLengthException
        Creates a new direct decrypter.
        key - The symmetric key. Its algorithm should be "AES". Must be 128 bits (16 bytes), 192 bits (24 bytes), 256 bits (32 bytes), 384 bits (48 bytes) or 512 bits (64 bytes) long. Must not be null.
        KeyLengthException - If the symmetric key length is not compatible.
      • DirectDecrypter

        public DirectDecrypter​(SecretKey key,
                               boolean promiscuousMode)
                        throws KeyLengthException
        Creates a new direct decrypter with the option to set it in promiscuous mode.
        key - The symmetric key. Its algorithm should be "AES". Must be 128 bits (16 bytes), 192 bits (24 bytes), 256 bits (32 bytes), 384 bits (48 bytes) or 512 bits (64 bytes) long. Must not be null.
        promiscuousMode - If true set the decrypter in promiscuous mode to permit decryption of any JWE with the supplied symmetric key. The that mode the JWE algorithm checks for ("alg":"dir") and encrypted key not being present will be skipped.
        KeyLengthException - If the symmetric key length is not compatible.
      • DirectDecrypter

        public DirectDecrypter​(byte[] keyBytes)
                        throws KeyLengthException
        Creates a new direct decrypter.
        keyBytes - The symmetric key, as a byte array. Must be 128 bits (16 bytes), 192 bits (24 bytes), 256 bits (32 bytes), 384 bits (48 bytes) or 512 bits (64 bytes) long. Must not be null.
        KeyLengthException - If the symmetric key length is not compatible.
      • DirectDecrypter

        public DirectDecrypter​(OctetSequenceKey octJWK)
                        throws KeyLengthException
        Creates a new direct decrypter.
        octJWK - The symmetric key, as a JWK. Must be 128 bits (16 bytes), 192 bits (24 bytes), 256 bits (32 bytes), 384 bits (48 bytes) or 512 bits (64 bytes) long. Must not be null.
        KeyLengthException - If the symmetric key length is not compatible.
      • DirectDecrypter

        public DirectDecrypter​(SecretKey key,
                               Set<String> defCritHeaders)
                        throws KeyLengthException
        Creates a new direct decrypter with the option to set it in promiscuous mode.
        key - The symmetric key. Its algorithm should be "AES". Must be 128 bits (16 bytes), 192 bits (24 bytes), 256 bits (32 bytes), 384 bits (48 bytes) or 512 bits (64 bytes) long. Must not be null.
        defCritHeaders - The names of the critical header parameters that are deferred to the application for processing, empty set or null if none.
        KeyLengthException - If the symmetric key length is not compatible.
      • DirectDecrypter

        public DirectDecrypter​(SecretKey key,
                               Set<String> defCritHeaders,
                               boolean promiscuousMode)
                        throws KeyLengthException
        Creates a new direct decrypter.
        key - The symmetric key. Its algorithm should be "AES". Must be 128 bits (16 bytes), 192 bits (24 bytes), 256 bits (32 bytes), 384 bits (48 bytes) or 512 bits (64 bytes) long. Must not be null.
        defCritHeaders - The names of the critical header parameters that are deferred to the application for processing, empty set or null if none.
        promiscuousMode - If true set the decrypter in promiscuous mode to permit decryption of any JWE with the supplied symmetric key. The that mode the JWE algorithm checks for ("alg":"dir") and encrypted key not being present will be skipped.
        KeyLengthException - If the symmetric key length is not compatible.
    • Method Detail

      • decrypt

        public byte[] decrypt​(JWEHeader header,
                              Base64URL encryptedKey,
                              Base64URL iv,
                              Base64URL cipherText,
                              Base64URL authTag)
                       throws JOSEException
        Decrypts the specified cipher text of a JWE Object.
        header - The JSON Web Encryption (JWE) header. Must specify a supported JWE algorithm and method. Must not be null.
        encryptedKey - The encrypted key, null if not required by the JWE algorithm.
        iv - The initialisation vector, null if not required by the JWE algorithm.
        cipherText - The cipher text to decrypt. Must not be null.
        authTag - The authentication tag, null if not required.
        The clear text.
        JOSEException - If the JWE algorithm or method is not supported, if a critical header parameter is not supported or marked for deferral to the application, or if decryption failed for some other reason.
      • decrypt

        public byte[] decrypt​(JWEHeader header,
                              Base64URL encryptedKey,
                              Base64URL iv,
                              Base64URL cipherText,
                              Base64URL authTag,
                              byte[] aad)
                       throws JOSEException
        Description copied from interface: JWEDecrypter
        Decrypts the specified cipher text of a JWE Object.
        Specified by:
        decrypt in interface JWEDecrypter
        header - The JSON Web Encryption (JWE) header. Must specify a supported JWE algorithm and method. Must not be null.
        encryptedKey - The encrypted key, null if not required by the JWE algorithm.
        iv - The initialisation vector, null if not required by the JWE algorithm.
        cipherText - The cipher text to decrypt. Must not be null.
        authTag - The authentication tag, null if not required.
        aad - The additional authenticated data. Must not be null.
        The clear text.
        JOSEException - If the JWE algorithm or method is not supported, if a critical header parameter is not supported or marked for deferral to the application, or if decryption failed for some other reason.