002 * oauth2-oidc-sdk
003 *
004 * Copyright 2012-2016, Connect2id Ltd and contributors.
005 *
006 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
007 * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
008 * License at
009 *
010 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
013 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
014 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
015 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
016 */
018package com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk;
021import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWT;
022import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet;
023import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTParser;
024import com.nimbusds.langtag.LangTag;
025import com.nimbusds.langtag.LangTagException;
026import com.nimbusds.langtag.LangTagUtils;
027import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.*;
028import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.dpop.JWKThumbprintConfirmation;
029import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.http.HTTPRequest;
030import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.id.ClientID;
031import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.id.State;
032import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.pkce.CodeChallenge;
033import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.pkce.CodeChallengeMethod;
034import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.pkce.CodeVerifier;
035import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.rar.AuthorizationDetail;
036import com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.util.*;
037import com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.claims.ACR;
038import com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.federation.trust.TrustChain;
039import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable;
041import java.net.URI;
042import java.util.*;
046 * OpenID Connect authentication request. Intended to authenticate an end-user
047 * and request the end-user's authorisation to release information to the
048 * client. Supports custom request parameters.
049 *
050 * <p>Example HTTP request (code flow):
051 *
052 * <pre>
053 * https://server.example.com/op/authorize?
054 * response_type=code%20id_token
055 * &amp;client_id=s6BhdRkqt3
056 * &amp;redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient.example.org%2Fcb
057 * &amp;scope=openid
058 * &amp;nonce=n-0S6_WzA2Mj
059 * &amp;state=af0ifjsldkj
060 * </pre>
061 *
062 * <p>Related specifications:
063 *
064 * <ul>
065 *     <li>OpenID Connect Core 1.0, section
066 *     <li>Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients (RFC 7636).
067 *     <li>OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests (RFC 9396).
068 *     <li>Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0 (RFC 8707)
069 *     <li>OAuth 2.0 Incremental Authorization
070 *         (draft-ietf-oauth-incremental-authz-04)
071 *     <li>The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization
072 *         Request (JAR) (RFC 9101)
073 *     <li>Financial-grade API: JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for
074 *         OAuth 2.0 (JARM)
075 *     <li>OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer
076 *         (DPoP) (draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-16).
077 *     <li>OpenID Connect Federation 1.0, section 10.1.
078 *     <li>OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0, section 8.
079 * </ul>
080 */
082public class AuthenticationRequest extends AuthorizationRequest {
085        /**
086         * The purpose string parameter minimal length.
087         */
088        public static final int PURPOSE_MIN_LENGTH = 3;
091        /**
092         * The purpose string parameter maximum length.
093         */
094        public static final int PURPOSE_MAX_LENGTH = 300;
097        /**
098         * The registered parameter names.
099         */
100        private static final Set<String> REGISTERED_PARAMETER_NAMES;
103        static {
105                Set<String> p = new HashSet<>(AuthorizationRequest.getRegisteredParameterNames());
107                p.add("nonce");
108                p.add("display");
109                p.add("max_age");
110                p.add("ui_locales");
111                p.add("claims_locales");
112                p.add("id_token_hint");
113                p.add("login_hint");
114                p.add("acr_values");
115                p.add("claims");
116                p.add("purpose");
118                REGISTERED_PARAMETER_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(p);
119        }
122        /**
123         * The nonce (required for implicit flow (unless in JAR), optional for
124         * code flow).
125         */
126        private final Nonce nonce;
129        /**
130         * The requested display type (optional).
131         */
132        private final Display display;
135        /**
136         * The required maximum authentication age, in seconds, -1 if not
137         * specified, zero implies prompt=login (optional).
138         */
139        private final int maxAge;
142        /**
143         * The end-user's preferred languages and scripts for the user 
144         * interface (optional).
145         */
146        private final List<LangTag> uiLocales;
149        /**
150         * The end-user's preferred languages and scripts for claims being 
151         * returned (optional).
152         */
153        private final List<LangTag> claimsLocales;
156        /**
157         * Previously issued ID Token passed to the authorisation server as a 
158         * hint about the end-user's current or past authenticated session with
159         * the client (optional). Should be present when {@code prompt=none} is 
160         * used.
161         */
162        private final JWT idTokenHint;
165        /**
166         * Hint to the authorisation server about the login identifier the 
167         * end-user may use to log in (optional).
168         */
169        private final String loginHint;
172        /**
173         * Requested Authentication Context Class Reference values (optional).
174         */
175        private final List<ACR> acrValues;
178        /**
179         * Individual claims to be returned (optional).
180         */
181        private final OIDCClaimsRequest claims;
184        /**
185         * The transaction specific purpose, for use in OpenID Connect Identity
186         * Assurance.
187         */
188        private final String purpose;
191        /**
192         * Builder for constructing OpenID Connect authentication requests.
193         */
194        public static class Builder {
197                /**
198                 * The endpoint URI (optional).
199                 */
200                private URI uri;
203                /**
204                 * The response type (required unless in JAR).
205                 */
206                private ResponseType rt;
209                /**
210                 * The client identifier (required unless in JAR).
211                 */
212                private final ClientID clientID;
215                /**
216                 * The redirection URI where the response will be sent
217                 * (required unless in JAR).
218                 */
219                private URI redirectURI;
222                /**
223                 * The scope (required unless in JAR).
224                 */
225                private Scope scope;
228                /**
229                 * The opaque value to maintain state between the request and
230                 * the callback (recommended).
231                 */
232                private State state;
235                /**
236                 * The nonce (required for implicit flow (unless in JAR),
237                 * optional for code flow).
238                 */
239                private Nonce nonce;
242                /**
243                 * The requested display type (optional).
244                 */
245                private Display display;
248                /**
249                 * The requested prompt (optional).
250                 */
251                private Prompt prompt;
254                /**
255                 * The DPoP JWK SHA-256 thumbprint (optional).
256                 */
257                private JWKThumbprintConfirmation dpopJKT;
260                /**
261                 * The OpenID Connect Federation 1.0 trust chain (optional).
262                 */
263                private TrustChain trustChain;
266                /**
267                 * The required maximum authentication age, in seconds, -1 if
268                 * not specified, zero implies prompt=login (optional).
269                 */
270                private int maxAge = -1;
273                /**
274                 * The end-user's preferred languages and scripts for the user
275                 * interface (optional).
276                 */
277                private List<LangTag> uiLocales;
280                /**
281                 * The end-user's preferred languages and scripts for claims
282                 * being returned (optional).
283                 */
284                private List<LangTag> claimsLocales;
287                /**
288                 * Previously issued ID Token passed to the authorisation
289                 * server as a hint about the end-user's current or past
290                 * authenticated session with the client (optional). Should be
291                 * present when {@code prompt=none} is used.
292                 */
293                private JWT idTokenHint;
296                /**
297                 * Hint to the authorisation server about the login identifier
298                 * the end-user may use to log in (optional).
299                 */
300                private String loginHint;
303                /**
304                 * Requested Authentication Context Class Reference values
305                 * (optional).
306                 */
307                private List<ACR> acrValues;
310                /**
311                 * Individual claims to be returned (optional).
312                 */
313                private OIDCClaimsRequest claims;
316                /**
317                 * The transaction specific purpose (optional).
318                 */
319                private String purpose;
322                /**
323                 * Request object (optional).
324                 */
325                private JWT requestObject;
328                /**
329                 * Request object URI (optional).
330                 */
331                private URI requestURI;
334                /**
335                 * The response mode (optional).
336                 */
337                private ResponseMode rm;
340                /**
341                 * The authorisation code challenge for PKCE (optional).
342                 */
343                private CodeChallenge codeChallenge;
346                /**
347                 * The authorisation code challenge method for PKCE (optional).
348                 */
349                private CodeChallengeMethod codeChallengeMethod;
352                /**
353                 * The RAR details (optional).
354                 */
355                private List<AuthorizationDetail> authorizationDetails;
358                /**
359                 * The resource URI(s) (optional).
360                 */
361                private List<URI> resources;
364                /**
365                 * Indicates incremental authorisation (optional).
366                 */
367                private boolean includeGrantedScopes;
370                /**
371                 * Custom parameters.
372                 */
373                private final Map<String,List<String>> customParams = new HashMap<>();
376                /**
377                 * Creates a new OpenID Connect authentication request builder.
378                 *
379                 * @param rt          The response type. Corresponds to the
380                 *                    {@code response_type} parameter. Must
381                 *                    specify a valid OpenID Connect response
382                 *                    type. Must not be {@code null}.
383                 * @param scope       The request scope. Corresponds to the
384                 *                    {@code scope} parameter. Must contain an
385                 *                    {@link OIDCScopeValue#OPENID openid
386                 *                    value}. Must not be {@code null}.
387                 * @param clientID    The client identifier. Corresponds to the
388                 *                    {@code client_id} parameter. Must not be
389                 *                    {@code null}.
390                 * @param redirectURI The redirection URI. Corresponds to the
391                 *                    {@code redirect_uri} parameter. Must not
392                 *                    be {@code null} unless set by means of
393                 *                    the optional {@code request_object} /
394                 *                    {@code request_uri} parameter.
395                 */
396                public Builder(final ResponseType rt,
397                               final Scope scope,
398                               final ClientID clientID,
399                               final URI redirectURI) {
401                        if (rt == null)
402                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The response type must not be null");
404                        OIDCResponseTypeValidator.validate(rt);
406                        this.rt = rt;
408                        if (scope == null)
409                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The scope must not be null");
411                        if (! scope.contains(OIDCScopeValue.OPENID))
412                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The scope must include an \"openid\" value");
414                        this.scope = scope;
416                        if (clientID == null)
417                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The client ID must not be null");
419                        this.clientID = clientID;
421                        // Check presence at build time
422                        this.redirectURI = redirectURI;
423                }
426                /**
427                 * Creates a new JWT secured OpenID Connect authentication
428                 * request (JAR) builder.
429                 *
430                 * @param requestObject The request object. Must not be
431                 *                      {@code null}.
432                 * @param clientID      The client ID. Must not be
433                 *                      {@code null}.
434                 */
435                public Builder(final JWT requestObject, final ClientID clientID) {
437                        if (requestObject == null)
438                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The request object must not be null");
440                        this.requestObject = requestObject;
442                        if (clientID == null)
443                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The client ID must not be null");
445                        this.clientID = clientID;
446                }
449                /**
450                 * Creates a new JWT secured OpenID Connect authentication
451                 * request (JAR) builder.
452                 *
453                 * @param requestURI The request object URI. Must not be
454                 *                   {@code null}.
455                 * @param clientID   The client ID. Must not be {@code null}.
456                 */
457                public Builder(final URI requestURI, final ClientID clientID) {
459                        if (requestURI == null)
460                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The request URI must not be null");
462                        this.requestURI = requestURI;
464                        if (clientID == null)
465                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The client ID must not be null");
467                        this.clientID = clientID;
468                }
471                /**
472                 * Creates a new OpenID Connect authentication request builder
473                 * from the specified request.
474                 *
475                 * @param request The OpenID Connect authentication request.
476                 *                Must not be {@code null}.
477                 */
478                public Builder(final AuthenticationRequest request) {
479                        uri = request.getEndpointURI();
480                        rt = request.getResponseType();
481                        clientID = request.getClientID();
482                        redirectURI = request.getRedirectionURI();
483                        scope = request.getScope();
484                        state = request.getState();
485                        nonce = request.getNonce();
486                        display = request.getDisplay();
487                        prompt = request.getPrompt();
488                        dpopJKT = request.getDPoPJWKThumbprintConfirmation();
489                        trustChain = request.getTrustChain();
490                        maxAge = request.getMaxAge();
491                        uiLocales = request.getUILocales();
492                        claimsLocales = request.getClaimsLocales();
493                        idTokenHint = request.getIDTokenHint();
494                        loginHint = request.getLoginHint();
495                        acrValues = request.getACRValues();
496                        claims = request.getOIDCClaims();
497                        purpose = request.getPurpose();
498                        requestObject = request.getRequestObject();
499                        requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
500                        rm = request.getResponseMode();
501                        codeChallenge = request.getCodeChallenge();
502                        codeChallengeMethod = request.getCodeChallengeMethod();
503                        authorizationDetails = request.getAuthorizationDetails();
504                        resources = request.getResources();
505                        includeGrantedScopes = request.includeGrantedScopes();
506                        customParams.putAll(request.getCustomParameters());
507                }
510                /**
511                 * Sets the response type. Corresponds to the
512                 * {@code response_type} parameter.
513                 *
514                 * @param rt The response type. Must not be {@code null}.
515                 *
516                 * @return This builder.
517                 */
518                public Builder responseType(final ResponseType rt) {
520                        if (rt == null)
521                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The response type must not be null");
523                        this.rt = rt;
524                        return this;
525                }
528                /**
529                 * Sets the scope. Corresponds to the {@code scope} parameter.
530                 *
531                 * @param scope The scope. Must not be {@code null}.
532                 *
533                 * @return This builder.
534                 */
535                public Builder scope(final Scope scope) {
537                        if (scope == null)
538                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The scope must not be null");
540                        if (! scope.contains(OIDCScopeValue.OPENID))
541                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The scope must include an openid value");
543                        this.scope = scope;
544                        return this;
545                }
548                /**
549                 * Sets the redirection URI. Corresponds to the
550                 * {@code redirection_uri} parameter.
551                 *
552                 * @param redirectURI The redirection URI. Must not be
553                 *                    {@code null}.
554                 *
555                 * @return This builder.
556                 */
557                public Builder redirectionURI(final URI redirectURI) {
559                        if (redirectURI == null)
560                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The redirection URI must not be null");
562                        this.redirectURI = redirectURI;
563                        return this;
564                }
567                /**
568                 * Sets the state. Corresponds to the recommended {@code state}
569                 * parameter.
570                 *
571                 * @param state The state, {@code null} if not specified.
572                 *
573                 * @return This builder.
574                 */
575                public Builder state(final State state) {
576                        this.state = state;
577                        return this;
578                }
581                /**
582                 * Sets the URI of the endpoint (HTTP or HTTPS) for which the
583                 * request is intended.
584                 *
585                 * @param uri The endpoint URI, {@code null} if not specified.
586                 *
587                 * @return This builder.
588                 */
589                public Builder endpointURI(final URI uri) {
590                        this.uri = uri;
591                        return this;
592                }
595                /**
596                 * Sets the nonce. Corresponds to the conditionally optional
597                 * {@code nonce} parameter.
598                 *
599                 * @param nonce The nonce, {@code null} if not specified.
600                 *
601                 * @return This builder.
602                 */
603                public Builder nonce(final Nonce nonce) {
604                        this.nonce = nonce;
605                        return this;
606                }
609                /**
610                 * Sets the requested display type. Corresponds to the optional
611                 * {@code display} parameter.
612                 *
613                 * @param display The requested display type, {@code null} if
614                 *                not specified.
615                 *
616                 * @return This builder.
617                 */
618                public Builder display(final Display display) {
619                        this.display = display;
620                        return this;
621                }
624                /**
625                 * Sets the requested prompt. Corresponds to the optional
626                 * {@code prompt} parameter.
627                 *
628                 * @param prompt The requested prompt, {@code null} if not
629                 *               specified.
630                 *
631                 * @return This builder.
632                 */
633                public Builder prompt(final Prompt prompt) {
634                        this.prompt = prompt;
635                        return this;
636                }
639                /**
640                 * Sets the requested prompt. Corresponds to the optional
641                 * {@code prompt} parameter.
642                 *
643                 * @param promptType The requested prompt types, {@code null}
644                 *                   if not specified.
645                 *
646                 * @return This builder.
647                 */
648                public Builder prompt(final Prompt.Type ... promptType) {
649                        if (promptType.length == 1 && promptType[0] == null) {
650                                return prompt((Prompt)null);
651                        } else {
652                                return prompt(new Prompt(promptType));
653                        }
654                }
657                /**
658                 * Sets the DPoP JWK SHA-256 thumbprint. Corresponds to the
659                 * optional {@code dpop_jkt} parameter.
660                 *
661                 * @param dpopJKT DPoP JWK SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null} if
662                 *                not specified.
663                 *
664                 * @return This builder.
665                 */
666                public Builder dPoPJWKThumbprintConfirmation(final JWKThumbprintConfirmation dpopJKT) {
667                        this.dpopJKT = dpopJKT;
668                        return this;
669                }
672                /**
673                 * Sets the OpenID Connect Federation 1.0 trust chain.
674                 * Corresponds to the optional {@code trust_chain} parameter.
675                 *
676                 * @param trustChain The trust chain, {@code null} if not
677                 *                   specified.
678                 *
679                 * @return This builder.
680                 */
681                public Builder trustChain(final TrustChain trustChain) {
682                        this.trustChain = trustChain;
683                        return this;
684                }
687                /**
688                 * Sets the required maximum authentication age. Corresponds to
689                 * the optional {@code max_age} parameter.
690                 *
691                 * @param maxAge The maximum authentication age, in seconds; 0
692                 *               if not specified.
693                 *
694                 * @return This builder.
695                 */
696                public Builder maxAge(final int maxAge) {
697                        this.maxAge = maxAge;
698                        return this;
699                }
702                /**
703                 * Sets the end-user's preferred languages and scripts for the
704                 * user interface, ordered by preference. Corresponds to the
705                 * optional {@code ui_locales} parameter.
706                 *
707                 * @param uiLocales The preferred UI locales, {@code null} if
708                 *                  not specified.
709                 *
710                 * @return This builder.
711                 */
712                public Builder uiLocales(final List<LangTag> uiLocales) {
713                        this.uiLocales = uiLocales;
714                        return this;
715                }
718                /**
719                 * Sets the end-user's preferred languages and scripts for the
720                 * claims being returned, ordered by preference. Corresponds to
721                 * the optional {@code claims_locales} parameter.
722                 *
723                 * @param claimsLocales The preferred claims locales,
724                 *                      {@code null} if not specified.
725                 *
726                 * @return This builder.
727                 */
728                public Builder claimsLocales(final List<LangTag> claimsLocales) {
729                        this.claimsLocales = claimsLocales;
730                        return this;
731                }
734                /**
735                 * Sets the ID Token hint. Corresponds to the conditionally
736                 * optional {@code id_token_hint} parameter.
737                 *
738                 * @param idTokenHint The ID Token hint, {@code null} if not
739                 *                    specified.
740                 *
741                 * @return This builder.
742                 */
743                public Builder idTokenHint(final JWT idTokenHint) {
744                        this.idTokenHint = idTokenHint;
745                        return this;
746                }
749                /**
750                 * Sets the login hint. Corresponds to the optional
751                 * {@code login_hint} parameter.
752                 *
753                 * @param loginHint The login hint, {@code null} if not
754                 *                  specified.
755                 *
756                 * @return This builder.
757                 */
758                public Builder loginHint(final String loginHint) {
759                        this.loginHint = loginHint;
760                        return this;
761                }
764                /**
765                 * Sets the requested Authentication Context Class Reference
766                 * values. Corresponds to the optional {@code acr_values}
767                 * parameter.
768                 *
769                 * @param acrValues The requested ACR values, {@code null} if
770                 *                  not specified.
771                 *
772                 * @return This builder.
773                 */
774                public Builder acrValues(final List<ACR> acrValues) {
775                        this.acrValues = acrValues;
776                        return this;
777                }
780                /**
781                 * Sets the individual claims to be returned. Corresponds to
782                 * the optional {@code claims} parameter.
783                 *
784                 * @see #claims(OIDCClaimsRequest)
785                 *
786                 * @param claims The individual claims to be returned,
787                 *               {@code null} if not specified.
788                 *
789                 * @return This builder.
790                 */
791                @Deprecated
792                public Builder claims(final ClaimsRequest claims) {
794                        if (claims == null) {
795                                this.claims = null;
796                        } else {
797                                try {
798                                        this.claims = OIDCClaimsRequest.parse(claims.toJSONObject());
799                                } catch (ParseException e) {
800                                        // Should never happen
801                                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid claims: " + e.getMessage(), e);
802                                }
803                        }
804                        return this;
805                }
808                /**
809                 * Sets the individual OpenID claims to be returned.
810                 * Corresponds to the optional {@code claims} parameter.
811                 *
812                 * @param claims The individual OpenID claims to be returned,
813                 *               {@code null} if not specified.
814                 *
815                 * @return This builder.
816                 */
817                public Builder claims(final OIDCClaimsRequest claims) {
818                        this.claims = claims;
819                        return this;
820                }
823                /**
824                 * Sets the transaction specific purpose. Corresponds to the
825                 * optional {@code purpose} parameter.
826                 *
827                 * @param purpose The purpose, {@code null} if not specified.
828                 *
829                 * @return This builder.
830                 */
831                public Builder purpose(final String purpose) {
832                        this.purpose = purpose;
833                        return this;
834                }
837                /**
838                 * Sets the request object. Corresponds to the optional
839                 * {@code request} parameter. Must not be specified together
840                 * with a request object URI.
841                 *
842                 * @param requestObject The request object, {@code null} if not
843                 *                      specified.
844                 *
845                 * @return This builder.
846                 */
847                public Builder requestObject(final JWT requestObject) {
848                        this.requestObject = requestObject;
849                        return this;
850                }
853                /**
854                 * Sets the request object URI. Corresponds to the optional
855                 * {@code request_uri} parameter. Must not be specified
856                 * together with a request object.
857                 *
858                 * @param requestURI The request object URI, {@code null} if
859                 *                   not specified.
860                 *
861                 * @return This builder.
862                 */
863                public Builder requestURI(final URI requestURI) {
864                        this.requestURI = requestURI;
865                        return this;
866                }
869                /**
870                 * Sets the response mode. Corresponds to the optional
871                 * {@code response_mode} parameter. Use of this parameter is
872                 * not recommended unless a non-default response mode is
873                 * requested (e.g. form_post).
874                 *
875                 * @param rm The response mode, {@code null} if not specified.
876                 *
877                 * @return This builder.
878                 */
879                public Builder responseMode(final ResponseMode rm) {
880                        this.rm = rm;
881                        return this;
882                }
885                /**
886                 * Sets the code challenge for Proof Key for Code Exchange
887                 * (PKCE) by public OAuth clients.
888                 *
889                 * @param codeChallenge       The code challenge, {@code null}
890                 *                            if not specified.
891                 * @param codeChallengeMethod The code challenge method,
892                 *                            {@code null} if not specified.
893                 *
894                 * @return This builder.
895                 */
896                @Deprecated
897                public Builder codeChallenge(final CodeChallenge codeChallenge, final CodeChallengeMethod codeChallengeMethod) {
898                        this.codeChallenge = codeChallenge;
899                        this.codeChallengeMethod = codeChallengeMethod;
900                        return this;
901                }
904                /**
905                 * Sets the code challenge for Proof Key for Code Exchange
906                 * (PKCE) by public OAuth clients.
907                 *
908                 * @param codeVerifier        The code verifier to use to
909                 *                            compute the code challenge,
910                 *                            {@code null} if PKCE is not
911                 *                            specified.
912                 * @param codeChallengeMethod The code challenge method,
913                 *                            {@code null} if not specified.
914                 *                            Defaults to
915                 *                            {@link CodeChallengeMethod#PLAIN}
916                 *                            if a code verifier is specified.
917                 *
918                 * @return This builder.
919                 */
920                public Builder codeChallenge(final CodeVerifier codeVerifier, final CodeChallengeMethod codeChallengeMethod) {
921                        if (codeVerifier != null) {
922                                CodeChallengeMethod method = codeChallengeMethod != null ? codeChallengeMethod : CodeChallengeMethod.getDefault();
923                                this.codeChallenge = CodeChallenge.compute(method, codeVerifier);
924                                this.codeChallengeMethod = method;
925                        } else {
926                                this.codeChallenge = null;
927                                this.codeChallengeMethod = null;
928                        }
929                        return this;
930                }
933                /**
934                 * Sets the Rich Authorisation Request (RAR) details.
935                 *
936                 * @param authorizationDetails The authorisation details,
937                 *                             {@code null} if not specified.
938                 *
939                 * @return This builder.
940                 */
941                public Builder authorizationDetails(final List<AuthorizationDetail> authorizationDetails) {
942                        this.authorizationDetails = authorizationDetails;
943                        return this;
944                }
947                /**
948                 * Sets the resource server URI.
949                 *
950                 * @param resource The resource URI, {@code null} if not
951                 *                 specified.
952                 *
953                 * @return This builder.
954                 */
955                public Builder resource(final URI resource) {
956                        if (resource != null) {
957                                this.resources = Collections.singletonList(resource);
958                        } else {
959                                this.resources = null;
960                        }
961                        return this;
962                }
965                /**
966                 * Sets the resource server URI(s).
967                 *
968                 * @param resources The resource URI(s), {@code null} if not
969                 *                  specified.
970                 *
971                 * @return This builder.
972                 */
973                public Builder resources(final URI ... resources) {
974                        if (resources != null) {
975                                this.resources = Arrays.asList(resources);
976                        } else {
977                                this.resources = null;
978                        }
979                        return this;
980                }
983                /**
984                 * Requests incremental authorisation.
985                 *
986                 * @param includeGrantedScopes {@code true} to request
987                 *                             incremental authorisation.
988                 *
989                 * @return This builder.
990                 */
991                public Builder includeGrantedScopes(final boolean includeGrantedScopes) {
992                        this.includeGrantedScopes = includeGrantedScopes;
993                        return this;
994                }
997                /**
998                 * Sets a custom parameter.
999                 *
1000                 * @param name   The parameter name. Must not be {@code null}.
1001                 * @param values The parameter values, {@code null} if not
1002                 *               specified.
1003                 *
1004                 * @return This builder.
1005                 */
1006                public Builder customParameter(final String name, final String ... values) {
1007                        if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
1008                                customParams.remove(name);
1009                        } else {
1010                                customParams.put(name, Arrays.asList(values));
1011                        }
1012                        return this;
1013                }
1016                /**
1017                 * Builds a new authentication request.
1018                 *
1019                 * @return The authentication request.
1020                 */
1021                public AuthenticationRequest build() {
1023                        try {
1024                                return new AuthenticationRequest(
1025                                        uri, rt, rm, scope, clientID, redirectURI, state, nonce,
1026                                        display, prompt, dpopJKT, trustChain, maxAge, uiLocales, claimsLocales,
1027                                        idTokenHint, loginHint, acrValues, claims,
1028                                        purpose,
1029                                        requestObject, requestURI,
1030                                        codeChallenge, codeChallengeMethod,
1031                                        authorizationDetails,
1032                                        resources,
1033                                        includeGrantedScopes,
1034                                        customParams);
1036                        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1037                                throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
1038                        }
1039                }
1040        }
1043        /**
1044         * Creates a new minimal OpenID Connect authentication request.
1045         *
1046         * @param uri         The URI of the OAuth 2.0 authorisation endpoint.
1047         *                    May be {@code null} if the {@link #toHTTPRequest}
1048         *                    method will not be used.
1049         * @param rt          The response type. Corresponds to the 
1050         *                    {@code response_type} parameter. Must specify a
1051         *                    valid OpenID Connect response type. Must not be
1052         *                    {@code null}.
1053         * @param scope       The request scope. Corresponds to the
1054         *                    {@code scope} parameter. Must contain an
1055         *                    {@link OIDCScopeValue#OPENID openid value}. Must
1056         *                    not be {@code null}.
1057         * @param clientID    The client identifier. Corresponds to the
1058         *                    {@code client_id} parameter. Must not be 
1059         *                    {@code null}.
1060         * @param redirectURI The redirection URI. Corresponds to the
1061         *                    {@code redirect_uri} parameter. Must not be 
1062         *                    {@code null}.
1063         * @param state       The state. Corresponds to the {@code state}
1064         *                    parameter. May be {@code null}.
1065         * @param nonce       The nonce. Corresponds to the {@code nonce} 
1066         *                    parameter. May be {@code null} for code flow.
1067         */
1068        public AuthenticationRequest(final URI uri,
1069                                     final ResponseType rt,
1070                                     final Scope scope,
1071                                     final ClientID clientID,
1072                                     final URI redirectURI,
1073                                     final State state,
1074                                     final Nonce nonce) {
1076                // Not specified: display, prompt, maxAge, uiLocales, claimsLocales, 
1077                // idTokenHint, loginHint, acrValues, claims, purpose
1078                // codeChallenge, codeChallengeMethod
1079                this(uri, rt, null, scope, clientID, redirectURI, state, nonce,
1080                        null, null, -1, null, null,
1081                        null, null, null, (OIDCClaimsRequest) null, null,
1082                        null, null,
1083                        null, null,
1084                        null, false, null);
1085        }
1088        /**
1089         * Creates a new OpenID Connect authentication request with extension
1090         * and custom parameters.
1091         *
1092         * @param uri                  The URI of the OAuth 2.0 authorisation
1093         *                             endpoint. May be {@code null} if the
1094         *                             {@link #toHTTPRequest} method will not
1095         *                             be used.
1096         * @param rt                   The response type set. Corresponds to
1097         *                             the {@code response_type} parameter.
1098         *                             Must specify a valid OpenID Connect
1099         *                             response type. Must not be {@code null}.
1100         * @param rm                   The response mode. Corresponds to the
1101         *                             optional {@code response_mode}
1102         *                             parameter. Use of this parameter is not
1103         *                             recommended unless a non-default
1104         *                             response mode is requested (e.g.
1105         *                             form_post).
1106         * @param scope                The request scope. Corresponds to the
1107         *                             {@code scope} parameter. Must contain an
1108         *                             {@link OIDCScopeValue#OPENID openid
1109         *                             value}. Must not be {@code null}.
1110         * @param clientID             The client identifier. Corresponds to
1111         *                             the {@code client_id} parameter. Must
1112         *                             not be {@code null}.
1113         * @param redirectURI          The redirection URI. Corresponds to the
1114         *                             {@code redirect_uri} parameter. Must not
1115         *                             be {@code null} unless set by means of
1116         *                             the optional {@code request_object} /
1117         *                             {@code request_uri} parameter.
1118         * @param state                The state. Corresponds to the
1119         *                             recommended {@code state} parameter.
1120         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1121         * @param nonce                The nonce. Corresponds to the
1122         *                             {@code nonce} parameter. May be
1123         *                             {@code null} for code flow.
1124         * @param display              The requested display type. Corresponds
1125         *                             to the optional {@code display}
1126         *                             parameter.
1127         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1128         * @param prompt               The requested prompt. Corresponds to the
1129         *                             optional {@code prompt} parameter.
1130         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1131         * @param maxAge               The required maximum authentication age,
1132         *                             in seconds. Corresponds to the optional
1133         *                             {@code max_age} parameter. -1 if not
1134         *                             specified, zero implies
1135         *                             {@code prompt=login}.
1136         * @param uiLocales            The preferred languages and scripts for
1137         *                             the user interface. Corresponds to the
1138         *                             optional {@code ui_locales} parameter.
1139         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1140         * @param claimsLocales        The preferred languages and scripts for
1141         *                             claims being returned. Corresponds to
1142         *                             the optional {@code claims_locales}
1143         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1144         *                             specified.
1145         * @param idTokenHint          The ID Token hint. Corresponds to the
1146         *                             optional {@code id_token_hint}
1147         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1148         *                             specified.
1149         * @param loginHint            The login hint. Corresponds to the
1150         *                             optional {@code login_hint} parameter.
1151         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1152         * @param acrValues            The requested Authentication Context
1153         *                             Class Reference values. Corresponds to
1154         *                             the optional {@code acr_values}
1155         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1156         *                             specified.
1157         * @param claims               The individual claims to be returned.
1158         *                             Corresponds to the optional
1159         *                             {@code claims} parameter. {@code null}
1160         *                             if not specified.
1161         * @param purpose              The transaction specific purpose,
1162         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1163         * @param requestObject        The request object. Corresponds to the
1164         *                             optional {@code request} parameter. Must
1165         *                             not be specified together with a request
1166         *                             object URI. {@code null} if not
1167         *                             specified.
1168         * @param requestURI           The request object URI. Corresponds to
1169         *                             the optional {@code request_uri}
1170         *                             parameter. Must not be specified
1171         *                             together with a request object.
1172         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1173         * @param codeChallenge        The code challenge for PKCE,
1174         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1175         * @param codeChallengeMethod  The code challenge method for PKCE,
1176         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1177         * @param resources            The resource URI(s), {@code null} if not
1178         *                             specified.
1179         * @param includeGrantedScopes {@code true} to request incremental
1180         *                             authorisation.
1181         * @param customParams         Additional custom parameters, empty map
1182         *                             or {@code null} if none.
1183         */
1184        @Deprecated
1185        public AuthenticationRequest(final URI uri,
1186                                     final ResponseType rt,
1187                                     final ResponseMode rm,
1188                                     final Scope scope,
1189                                     final ClientID clientID,
1190                                     final URI redirectURI,
1191                                     final State state,
1192                                     final Nonce nonce,
1193                                     final Display display,
1194                                     final Prompt prompt,
1195                                     final int maxAge,
1196                                     final List<LangTag> uiLocales,
1197                                     final List<LangTag> claimsLocales,
1198                                     final JWT idTokenHint,
1199                                     final String loginHint,
1200                                     final List<ACR> acrValues,
1201                                     final ClaimsRequest claims,
1202                                     final String purpose,
1203                                     final JWT requestObject,
1204                                     final URI requestURI,
1205                                     final CodeChallenge codeChallenge,
1206                                     final CodeChallengeMethod codeChallengeMethod,
1207                                     final List<URI> resources,
1208                                     final boolean includeGrantedScopes,
1209                                     final Map<String,List<String>> customParams) {
1211                this(uri, rt, rm, scope, clientID, redirectURI, state, nonce,
1212                        display, prompt, maxAge, uiLocales, claimsLocales,
1213                        idTokenHint, loginHint, acrValues, toOIDCClaimsRequestWithSilentFail(claims), purpose,
1214                        requestObject, requestURI,
1215                        codeChallenge, codeChallengeMethod,
1216                        resources, includeGrantedScopes, customParams);
1217        }
1220        /**
1221         * Creates a new OpenID Connect authentication request with extension
1222         * and custom parameters.
1223         *
1224         * @param uri                  The URI of the OAuth 2.0 authorisation
1225         *                             endpoint. May be {@code null} if the
1226         *                             {@link #toHTTPRequest} method will not
1227         *                             be used.
1228         * @param rt                   The response type set. Corresponds to
1229         *                             the {@code response_type} parameter.
1230         *                             Must specify a valid OpenID Connect
1231         *                             response type. Must not be {@code null}.
1232         * @param rm                   The response mode. Corresponds to the
1233         *                             optional {@code response_mode}
1234         *                             parameter. Use of this parameter is not
1235         *                             recommended unless a non-default
1236         *                             response mode is requested (e.g.
1237         *                             form_post).
1238         * @param scope                The request scope. Corresponds to the
1239         *                             {@code scope} parameter. Must contain an
1240         *                             {@link OIDCScopeValue#OPENID openid
1241         *                             value}. Must not be {@code null}.
1242         * @param clientID             The client identifier. Corresponds to
1243         *                             the {@code client_id} parameter. Must
1244         *                             not be {@code null}.
1245         * @param redirectURI          The redirection URI. Corresponds to the
1246         *                             {@code redirect_uri} parameter. Must not
1247         *                             be {@code null} unless set by means of
1248         *                             the optional {@code request_object} /
1249         *                             {@code request_uri} parameter.
1250         * @param state                The state. Corresponds to the
1251         *                             recommended {@code state} parameter.
1252         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1253         * @param nonce                The nonce. Corresponds to the
1254         *                             {@code nonce} parameter. May be
1255         *                             {@code null} for code flow.
1256         * @param display              The requested display type. Corresponds
1257         *                             to the optional {@code display}
1258         *                             parameter.
1259         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1260         * @param prompt               The requested prompt. Corresponds to the
1261         *                             optional {@code prompt} parameter.
1262         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1263         * @param maxAge               The required maximum authentication age,
1264         *                             in seconds. Corresponds to the optional
1265         *                             {@code max_age} parameter. -1 if not
1266         *                             specified, zero implies
1267         *                             {@code prompt=login}.
1268         * @param uiLocales            The preferred languages and scripts for
1269         *                             the user interface. Corresponds to the
1270         *                             optional {@code ui_locales} parameter.
1271         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1272         * @param claimsLocales        The preferred languages and scripts for
1273         *                             claims being returned. Corresponds to
1274         *                             the optional {@code claims_locales}
1275         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1276         *                             specified.
1277         * @param idTokenHint          The ID Token hint. Corresponds to the
1278         *                             optional {@code id_token_hint}
1279         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1280         *                             specified.
1281         * @param loginHint            The login hint. Corresponds to the
1282         *                             optional {@code login_hint} parameter.
1283         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1284         * @param acrValues            The requested Authentication Context
1285         *                             Class Reference values. Corresponds to
1286         *                             the optional {@code acr_values}
1287         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1288         *                             specified.
1289         * @param claims               The individual OpenID claims to be
1290         *                             returned. Corresponds to the optional
1291         *                             {@code claims} parameter. {@code null}
1292         *                             if not specified.
1293         * @param purpose              The transaction specific purpose,
1294         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1295         * @param requestObject        The request object. Corresponds to the
1296         *                             optional {@code request} parameter. Must
1297         *                             not be specified together with a request
1298         *                             object URI. {@code null} if not
1299         *                             specified.
1300         * @param requestURI           The request object URI. Corresponds to
1301         *                             the optional {@code request_uri}
1302         *                             parameter. Must not be specified
1303         *                             together with a request object.
1304         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1305         * @param codeChallenge        The code challenge for PKCE,
1306         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1307         * @param codeChallengeMethod  The code challenge method for PKCE,
1308         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1309         * @param resources            The resource URI(s), {@code null} if not
1310         *                             specified.
1311         * @param includeGrantedScopes {@code true} to request incremental
1312         *                             authorisation.
1313         * @param customParams         Additional custom parameters, empty map
1314         *                             or {@code null} if none.
1315         */
1316        @Deprecated
1317        public AuthenticationRequest(final URI uri,
1318                                     final ResponseType rt,
1319                                     final ResponseMode rm,
1320                                     final Scope scope,
1321                                     final ClientID clientID,
1322                                     final URI redirectURI,
1323                                     final State state,
1324                                     final Nonce nonce,
1325                                     final Display display,
1326                                     final Prompt prompt,
1327                                     final int maxAge,
1328                                     final List<LangTag> uiLocales,
1329                                     final List<LangTag> claimsLocales,
1330                                     final JWT idTokenHint,
1331                                     final String loginHint,
1332                                     final List<ACR> acrValues,
1333                                     final OIDCClaimsRequest claims,
1334                                     final String purpose,
1335                                     final JWT requestObject,
1336                                     final URI requestURI,
1337                                     final CodeChallenge codeChallenge,
1338                                     final CodeChallengeMethod codeChallengeMethod,
1339                                     final List<URI> resources,
1340                                     final boolean includeGrantedScopes,
1341                                     final Map<String,List<String>> customParams) {
1343                this(uri, rt, rm, scope, clientID, redirectURI, state, nonce, display, prompt, null, null,
1344                        maxAge, uiLocales, claimsLocales, idTokenHint, loginHint, acrValues, claims, purpose,
1345                        requestObject, requestURI, codeChallenge, codeChallengeMethod,
1346                        resources, includeGrantedScopes,
1347                        customParams);
1348        }
1351        /**
1352         * Creates a new OpenID Connect authentication request with extension
1353         * and custom parameters.
1354         *
1355         * @param uri                  The URI of the OAuth 2.0 authorisation
1356         *                             endpoint. May be {@code null} if the
1357         *                             {@link #toHTTPRequest} method will not
1358         *                             be used.
1359         * @param rt                   The response type set. Corresponds to
1360         *                             the {@code response_type} parameter.
1361         *                             Must specify a valid OpenID Connect
1362         *                             response type. Must not be {@code null}.
1363         * @param rm                   The response mode. Corresponds to the
1364         *                             optional {@code response_mode}
1365         *                             parameter. Use of this parameter is not
1366         *                             recommended unless a non-default
1367         *                             response mode is requested (e.g.
1368         *                             form_post).
1369         * @param scope                The request scope. Corresponds to the
1370         *                             {@code scope} parameter. Must contain an
1371         *                             {@link OIDCScopeValue#OPENID openid
1372         *                             value}. Must not be {@code null}.
1373         * @param clientID             The client identifier. Corresponds to
1374         *                             the {@code client_id} parameter. Must
1375         *                             not be {@code null}.
1376         * @param redirectURI          The redirection URI. Corresponds to the
1377         *                             {@code redirect_uri} parameter. Must not
1378         *                             be {@code null} unless set by means of
1379         *                             the optional {@code request_object} /
1380         *                             {@code request_uri} parameter.
1381         * @param state                The state. Corresponds to the
1382         *                             recommended {@code state} parameter.
1383         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1384         * @param nonce                The nonce. Corresponds to the
1385         *                             {@code nonce} parameter. May be
1386         *                             {@code null} for code flow.
1387         * @param display              The requested display type. Corresponds
1388         *                             to the optional {@code display}
1389         *                             parameter.
1390         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1391         * @param prompt               The requested prompt. Corresponds to the
1392         *                             optional {@code prompt} parameter.
1393         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1394         * @param dpopJKT              The DPoP JWK SHA-256 thumbprint,
1395         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1396         * @param maxAge               The required maximum authentication age,
1397         *                             in seconds. Corresponds to the optional
1398         *                             {@code max_age} parameter. -1 if not
1399         *                             specified, zero implies
1400         *                             {@code prompt=login}.
1401         * @param uiLocales            The preferred languages and scripts for
1402         *                             the user interface. Corresponds to the
1403         *                             optional {@code ui_locales} parameter.
1404         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1405         * @param claimsLocales        The preferred languages and scripts for
1406         *                             claims being returned. Corresponds to
1407         *                             the optional {@code claims_locales}
1408         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1409         *                             specified.
1410         * @param idTokenHint          The ID Token hint. Corresponds to the
1411         *                             optional {@code id_token_hint}
1412         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1413         *                             specified.
1414         * @param loginHint            The login hint. Corresponds to the
1415         *                             optional {@code login_hint} parameter.
1416         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1417         * @param acrValues            The requested Authentication Context
1418         *                             Class Reference values. Corresponds to
1419         *                             the optional {@code acr_values}
1420         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1421         *                             specified.
1422         * @param claims               The individual OpenID claims to be
1423         *                             returned. Corresponds to the optional
1424         *                             {@code claims} parameter. {@code null}
1425         *                             if not specified.
1426         * @param purpose              The transaction specific purpose,
1427         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1428         * @param requestObject        The request object. Corresponds to the
1429         *                             optional {@code request} parameter. Must
1430         *                             not be specified together with a request
1431         *                             object URI. {@code null} if not
1432         *                             specified.
1433         * @param requestURI           The request object URI. Corresponds to
1434         *                             the optional {@code request_uri}
1435         *                             parameter. Must not be specified
1436         *                             together with a request object.
1437         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1438         * @param codeChallenge        The code challenge for PKCE,
1439         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1440         * @param codeChallengeMethod  The code challenge method for PKCE,
1441         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1442         * @param resources            The resource URI(s), {@code null} if not
1443         *                             specified.
1444         * @param includeGrantedScopes {@code true} to request incremental
1445         *                             authorisation.
1446         * @param customParams         Additional custom parameters, empty map
1447         *                             or {@code null} if none.
1448         */
1449        @Deprecated
1450        public AuthenticationRequest(final URI uri,
1451                                     final ResponseType rt,
1452                                     final ResponseMode rm,
1453                                     final Scope scope,
1454                                     final ClientID clientID,
1455                                     final URI redirectURI,
1456                                     final State state,
1457                                     final Nonce nonce,
1458                                     final Display display,
1459                                     final Prompt prompt,
1460                                     final JWKThumbprintConfirmation dpopJKT,
1461                                     final int maxAge,
1462                                     final List<LangTag> uiLocales,
1463                                     final List<LangTag> claimsLocales,
1464                                     final JWT idTokenHint,
1465                                     final String loginHint,
1466                                     final List<ACR> acrValues,
1467                                     final OIDCClaimsRequest claims,
1468                                     final String purpose,
1469                                     final JWT requestObject,
1470                                     final URI requestURI,
1471                                     final CodeChallenge codeChallenge,
1472                                     final CodeChallengeMethod codeChallengeMethod,
1473                                     final List<URI> resources,
1474                                     final boolean includeGrantedScopes,
1475                                     final Map<String,List<String>> customParams) {
1477                this(uri, rt, rm, scope, clientID, redirectURI, state, nonce, display, prompt, dpopJKT, null,
1478                        maxAge, uiLocales, claimsLocales, idTokenHint, loginHint, acrValues, claims, purpose,
1479                        requestObject, requestURI, codeChallenge, codeChallengeMethod,
1480                        resources, includeGrantedScopes,
1481                        customParams);
1482        }
1485        /**
1486         * Creates a new OpenID Connect authentication request with extension
1487         * and custom parameters.
1488         *
1489         * @param uri                  The URI of the OAuth 2.0 authorisation
1490         *                             endpoint. May be {@code null} if the
1491         *                             {@link #toHTTPRequest} method will not
1492         *                             be used.
1493         * @param rt                   The response type set. Corresponds to
1494         *                             the {@code response_type} parameter.
1495         *                             Must specify a valid OpenID Connect
1496         *                             response type. Must not be {@code null}.
1497         * @param rm                   The response mode. Corresponds to the
1498         *                             optional {@code response_mode}
1499         *                             parameter. Use of this parameter is not
1500         *                             recommended unless a non-default
1501         *                             response mode is requested (e.g.
1502         *                             form_post).
1503         * @param scope                The request scope. Corresponds to the
1504         *                             {@code scope} parameter. Must contain an
1505         *                             {@link OIDCScopeValue#OPENID openid
1506         *                             value}. Must not be {@code null}.
1507         * @param clientID             The client identifier. Corresponds to
1508         *                             the {@code client_id} parameter. Must
1509         *                             not be {@code null}.
1510         * @param redirectURI          The redirection URI. Corresponds to the
1511         *                             {@code redirect_uri} parameter. Must not
1512         *                             be {@code null} unless set by means of
1513         *                             the optional {@code request_object} /
1514         *                             {@code request_uri} parameter.
1515         * @param state                The state. Corresponds to the
1516         *                             recommended {@code state} parameter.
1517         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1518         * @param nonce                The nonce. Corresponds to the
1519         *                             {@code nonce} parameter. May be
1520         *                             {@code null} for code flow.
1521         * @param display              The requested display type. Corresponds
1522         *                             to the optional {@code display}
1523         *                             parameter.
1524         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1525         * @param prompt               The requested prompt. Corresponds to the
1526         *                             optional {@code prompt} parameter.
1527         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1528         * @param dpopJKT              The DPoP JWK SHA-256 thumbprint,
1529         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1530         * @param trustChain           The OpenID Connect Federation 1.0 trust
1531         *                             chain, {@code null} if not specified.
1532         * @param maxAge               The required maximum authentication age,
1533         *                             in seconds. Corresponds to the optional
1534         *                             {@code max_age} parameter. -1 if not
1535         *                             specified, zero implies
1536         *                             {@code prompt=login}.
1537         * @param uiLocales            The preferred languages and scripts for
1538         *                             the user interface. Corresponds to the
1539         *                             optional {@code ui_locales} parameter.
1540         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1541         * @param claimsLocales        The preferred languages and scripts for
1542         *                             claims being returned. Corresponds to
1543         *                             the optional {@code claims_locales}
1544         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1545         *                             specified.
1546         * @param idTokenHint          The ID Token hint. Corresponds to the
1547         *                             optional {@code id_token_hint}
1548         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1549         *                             specified.
1550         * @param loginHint            The login hint. Corresponds to the
1551         *                             optional {@code login_hint} parameter.
1552         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1553         * @param acrValues            The requested Authentication Context
1554         *                             Class Reference values. Corresponds to
1555         *                             the optional {@code acr_values}
1556         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1557         *                             specified.
1558         * @param claims               The individual OpenID claims to be
1559         *                             returned. Corresponds to the optional
1560         *                             {@code claims} parameter. {@code null}
1561         *                             if not specified.
1562         * @param purpose              The transaction specific purpose,
1563         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1564         * @param requestObject        The request object. Corresponds to the
1565         *                             optional {@code request} parameter. Must
1566         *                             not be specified together with a request
1567         *                             object URI. {@code null} if not
1568         *                             specified.
1569         * @param requestURI           The request object URI. Corresponds to
1570         *                             the optional {@code request_uri}
1571         *                             parameter. Must not be specified
1572         *                             together with a request object.
1573         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1574         * @param codeChallenge        The code challenge for PKCE,
1575         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1576         * @param codeChallengeMethod  The code challenge method for PKCE,
1577         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1578         * @param resources            The resource URI(s), {@code null} if not
1579         *                             specified.
1580         * @param includeGrantedScopes {@code true} to request incremental
1581         *                             authorisation.
1582         * @param customParams         Additional custom parameters, empty map
1583         *                             or {@code null} if none.
1584         */
1585        @Deprecated
1586        public AuthenticationRequest(final URI uri,
1587                                     final ResponseType rt,
1588                                     final ResponseMode rm,
1589                                     final Scope scope,
1590                                     final ClientID clientID,
1591                                     final URI redirectURI,
1592                                     final State state,
1593                                     final Nonce nonce,
1594                                     final Display display,
1595                                     final Prompt prompt,
1596                                     final JWKThumbprintConfirmation dpopJKT,
1597                                     final TrustChain trustChain,
1598                                     final int maxAge,
1599                                     final List<LangTag> uiLocales,
1600                                     final List<LangTag> claimsLocales,
1601                                     final JWT idTokenHint,
1602                                     final String loginHint,
1603                                     final List<ACR> acrValues,
1604                                     final OIDCClaimsRequest claims,
1605                                     final String purpose,
1606                                     final JWT requestObject,
1607                                     final URI requestURI,
1608                                     final CodeChallenge codeChallenge,
1609                                     final CodeChallengeMethod codeChallengeMethod,
1610                                     final List<URI> resources,
1611                                     final boolean includeGrantedScopes,
1612                                     final Map<String,List<String>> customParams) {
1614                this(uri, rt, rm, scope, clientID, redirectURI, state, nonce, display, prompt,
1615                        dpopJKT, trustChain,
1616                        maxAge, uiLocales, claimsLocales, idTokenHint, loginHint, acrValues, claims, purpose,
1617                        requestObject, requestURI,
1618                        codeChallenge, codeChallengeMethod,
1619                        null, resources, includeGrantedScopes,
1620                        customParams);
1621        }
1624        /**
1625         * Creates a new OpenID Connect authentication request with extension
1626         * and custom parameters.
1627         *
1628         * @param uri                  The URI of the OAuth 2.0 authorisation
1629         *                             endpoint. May be {@code null} if the
1630         *                             {@link #toHTTPRequest} method will not
1631         *                             be used.
1632         * @param rt                   The response type set. Corresponds to
1633         *                             the {@code response_type} parameter.
1634         *                             Must specify a valid OpenID Connect
1635         *                             response type. Must not be {@code null}.
1636         * @param rm                   The response mode. Corresponds to the
1637         *                             optional {@code response_mode}
1638         *                             parameter. Use of this parameter is not
1639         *                             recommended unless a non-default
1640         *                             response mode is requested (e.g.
1641         *                             form_post).
1642         * @param scope                The request scope. Corresponds to the
1643         *                             {@code scope} parameter. Must contain an
1644         *                             {@link OIDCScopeValue#OPENID openid
1645         *                             value}. Must not be {@code null}.
1646         * @param clientID             The client identifier. Corresponds to
1647         *                             the {@code client_id} parameter. Must
1648         *                             not be {@code null}.
1649         * @param redirectURI          The redirection URI. Corresponds to the
1650         *                             {@code redirect_uri} parameter. Must not
1651         *                             be {@code null} unless set by means of
1652         *                             the optional {@code request_object} /
1653         *                             {@code request_uri} parameter.
1654         * @param state                The state. Corresponds to the
1655         *                             recommended {@code state} parameter.
1656         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1657         * @param nonce                The nonce. Corresponds to the
1658         *                             {@code nonce} parameter. May be
1659         *                             {@code null} for code flow.
1660         * @param display              The requested display type. Corresponds
1661         *                             to the optional {@code display}
1662         *                             parameter.
1663         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1664         * @param prompt               The requested prompt. Corresponds to the
1665         *                             optional {@code prompt} parameter.
1666         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1667         * @param dpopJKT              The DPoP JWK SHA-256 thumbprint,
1668         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1669         * @param trustChain           The OpenID Connect Federation 1.0 trust
1670         *                             chain, {@code null} if not specified.
1671         * @param maxAge               The required maximum authentication age,
1672         *                             in seconds. Corresponds to the optional
1673         *                             {@code max_age} parameter. -1 if not
1674         *                             specified, zero implies
1675         *                             {@code prompt=login}.
1676         * @param uiLocales            The preferred languages and scripts for
1677         *                             the user interface. Corresponds to the
1678         *                             optional {@code ui_locales} parameter.
1679         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1680         * @param claimsLocales        The preferred languages and scripts for
1681         *                             claims being returned. Corresponds to
1682         *                             the optional {@code claims_locales}
1683         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1684         *                             specified.
1685         * @param idTokenHint          The ID Token hint. Corresponds to the
1686         *                             optional {@code id_token_hint}
1687         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1688         *                             specified.
1689         * @param loginHint            The login hint. Corresponds to the
1690         *                             optional {@code login_hint} parameter.
1691         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1692         * @param acrValues            The requested Authentication Context
1693         *                             Class Reference values. Corresponds to
1694         *                             the optional {@code acr_values}
1695         *                             parameter. {@code null} if not
1696         *                             specified.
1697         * @param claims               The individual OpenID claims to be
1698         *                             returned. Corresponds to the optional
1699         *                             {@code claims} parameter. {@code null}
1700         *                             if not specified.
1701         * @param purpose              The transaction specific purpose,
1702         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1703         * @param requestObject        The request object. Corresponds to the
1704         *                             optional {@code request} parameter. Must
1705         *                             not be specified together with a request
1706         *                             object URI. {@code null} if not
1707         *                             specified.
1708         * @param requestURI           The request object URI. Corresponds to
1709         *                             the optional {@code request_uri}
1710         *                             parameter. Must not be specified
1711         *                             together with a request object.
1712         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1713         * @param codeChallenge        The code challenge for PKCE,
1714         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1715         * @param codeChallengeMethod  The code challenge method for PKCE,
1716         *                             {@code null} if not specified.
1717         * @param authorizationDetails
1718         * @param resources            The resource URI(s), {@code null} if not
1719         *                             specified.
1720         * @param includeGrantedScopes {@code true} to request incremental
1721         *                             authorisation.
1722         * @param customParams         Additional custom parameters, empty map
1723         *                             or {@code null} if none.
1724         */
1725        public AuthenticationRequest(final URI uri,
1726                                     final ResponseType rt,
1727                                     final ResponseMode rm,
1728                                     final Scope scope,
1729                                     final ClientID clientID,
1730                                     final URI redirectURI,
1731                                     final State state,
1732                                     final Nonce nonce,
1733                                     final Display display,
1734                                     final Prompt prompt,
1735                                     final JWKThumbprintConfirmation dpopJKT,
1736                                     final TrustChain trustChain,
1737                                     final int maxAge,
1738                                     final List<LangTag> uiLocales,
1739                                     final List<LangTag> claimsLocales,
1740                                     final JWT idTokenHint,
1741                                     final String loginHint,
1742                                     final List<ACR> acrValues,
1743                                     final OIDCClaimsRequest claims,
1744                                     final String purpose,
1745                                     final JWT requestObject,
1746                                     final URI requestURI,
1747                                     final CodeChallenge codeChallenge,
1748                                     final CodeChallengeMethod codeChallengeMethod,
1749                                     final List<AuthorizationDetail> authorizationDetails,
1750                                     final List<URI> resources,
1751                                     final boolean includeGrantedScopes,
1752                                     final Map<String,List<String>> customParams) {
1754                super(uri, rt, rm, clientID, redirectURI, scope, state,
1755                        codeChallenge, codeChallengeMethod,
1756                        authorizationDetails, resources, includeGrantedScopes,
1757                        requestObject, requestURI, prompt, dpopJKT, trustChain, customParams);
1759                if (! specifiesRequestObject()) {
1761                        // Check parameters required by OpenID Connect if no JAR
1763                        if (redirectURI == null)
1764                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The redirection URI must not be null");
1766                        OIDCResponseTypeValidator.validate(rt);
1768                        if (scope == null)
1769                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The scope must not be null");
1771                        if (!scope.contains(OIDCScopeValue.OPENID))
1772                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The scope must include an \"openid\" value");
1774                        // Check nonce requirement
1775                        if (nonce == null && Nonce.isRequired(rt)) {
1776                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nonce required for response_type=" + rt);
1777                        }
1778                }
1780                this.nonce = nonce;
1782                // Optional parameters
1783                this.display = display;
1784                this.maxAge = maxAge;
1786                if (uiLocales != null)
1787                        this.uiLocales = Collections.unmodifiableList(uiLocales);
1788                else
1789                        this.uiLocales = null;
1791                if (claimsLocales != null)
1792                        this.claimsLocales = Collections.unmodifiableList(claimsLocales);
1793                else
1794                        this.claimsLocales = null;
1796                this.idTokenHint = idTokenHint;
1797                this.loginHint = loginHint;
1799                if (acrValues != null)
1800                        this.acrValues = Collections.unmodifiableList(acrValues);
1801                else
1802                        this.acrValues = null;
1804                this.claims = claims;
1806                if (purpose != null) {
1807                        if (purpose.length() < PURPOSE_MIN_LENGTH) {
1808                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The purpose must not be shorter than " + PURPOSE_MIN_LENGTH + " characters");
1809                        }
1810                        if (purpose.length() > PURPOSE_MAX_LENGTH) {
1811                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The purpose must not be longer than " + PURPOSE_MAX_LENGTH +" characters");
1812                        }
1813                }
1815                this.purpose = purpose;
1816        }
1819        /**
1820         * Returns the registered (standard) OpenID Connect authentication
1821         * request parameter names.
1822         *
1823         * @return The registered OpenID Connect authentication request
1824         *         parameter names, as a unmodifiable set.
1825         */
1826        public static Set<String> getRegisteredParameterNames() {
1828                return REGISTERED_PARAMETER_NAMES;
1829        }
1832        /**
1833         * Returns the nonce. Corresponds to the conditionally optional 
1834         * {@code nonce} parameter.
1835         *
1836         * @return The nonce, {@code null} if not specified.
1837         */
1838        public Nonce getNonce() {
1840                return nonce;
1841        }
1844        /**
1845         * Returns the requested display type. Corresponds to the optional
1846         * {@code display} parameter.
1847         *
1848         * @return The requested display type, {@code null} if not specified.
1849         */
1850        public Display getDisplay() {
1852                return display;
1853        }
1856        /**
1857         * Returns the required maximum authentication age. Corresponds to the
1858         * optional {@code max_age} parameter.
1859         *
1860         * @return The maximum authentication age, in seconds; -1 if not
1861         *         specified, zero implies {@code prompt=login}.
1862         */
1863        public int getMaxAge() {
1865                return maxAge;
1866        }
1869        /**
1870         * Returns the end-user's preferred languages and scripts for the user
1871         * interface, ordered by preference. Corresponds to the optional
1872         * {@code ui_locales} parameter.
1873         *
1874         * @return The preferred UI locales, {@code null} if not specified.
1875         */
1876        public List<LangTag> getUILocales() {
1878                return uiLocales;
1879        }
1882        /**
1883         * Returns the end-user's preferred languages and scripts for the
1884         * claims being returned, ordered by preference. Corresponds to the
1885         * optional {@code claims_locales} parameter.
1886         *
1887         * @return The preferred claims locales, {@code null} if not specified.
1888         */
1889        public List<LangTag> getClaimsLocales() {
1891                return claimsLocales;
1892        }
1895        /**
1896         * Returns the ID Token hint. Corresponds to the conditionally optional 
1897         * {@code id_token_hint} parameter.
1898         *
1899         * @return The ID Token hint, {@code null} if not specified.
1900         */
1901        public JWT getIDTokenHint() {
1903                return idTokenHint;
1904        }
1907        /**
1908         * Returns the login hint. Corresponds to the optional {@code login_hint} 
1909         * parameter.
1910         *
1911         * @return The login hint, {@code null} if not specified.
1912         */
1913        public String getLoginHint() {
1915                return loginHint;
1916        }
1919        /**
1920         * Returns the requested Authentication Context Class Reference values.
1921         * Corresponds to the optional {@code acr_values} parameter.
1922         *
1923         * @return The requested ACR values, {@code null} if not specified.
1924         */
1925        public List<ACR> getACRValues() {
1927                return acrValues;
1928        }
1931        /**
1932         * Returns the individual claims to be returned. Corresponds to the 
1933         * optional {@code claims} parameter.
1934         *
1935         * @see #getOIDCClaims()
1936         *
1937         * @return The individual claims to be returned, {@code null} if not
1938         *         specified.
1939         */
1940        @Deprecated
1941        public ClaimsRequest getClaims() {
1943                return toClaimsRequestWithSilentFail(claims);
1944        }
1947        private static OIDCClaimsRequest toOIDCClaimsRequestWithSilentFail(final ClaimsRequest claims) {
1948                if (claims == null) {
1949                        return null;
1950                }
1951                try {
1952                        return OIDCClaimsRequest.parse(claims.toJSONObject());
1953                } catch (ParseException e) {
1954                        return null;
1955                }
1956        }
1959        private static ClaimsRequest toClaimsRequestWithSilentFail(final OIDCClaimsRequest claims) {
1960                if (claims == null) {
1961                        return null;
1962                }
1963                try {
1964                        return ClaimsRequest.parse(claims.toJSONObject());
1965                } catch (ParseException e) {
1966                        return null;
1967                }
1968        }
1971        /**
1972         * Returns the individual OpenID claims to be returned. Corresponds to
1973         * the optional {@code claims} parameter.
1974         *
1975         * @return The individual claims to be returned, {@code null} if not
1976         *         specified.
1977         */
1978        public OIDCClaimsRequest getOIDCClaims() {
1980                return claims;
1981        }
1984        /**
1985         * Returns the transaction specific purpose. Corresponds to the
1986         * optional {@code purpose} parameter.
1987         *
1988         * @return The purpose, {@code null} if not specified.
1989         */
1990        public String getPurpose() {
1992                return purpose;
1993        }
1996        @Override
1997        public Map<String,List<String>> toParameters() {
1999                Map <String,List<String>> params = super.toParameters();
2001                if (nonce != null)
2002                        params.put("nonce", Collections.singletonList(nonce.toString()));
2004                if (display != null)
2005                        params.put("display", Collections.singletonList(display.toString()));
2007                if (maxAge >= 0)
2008                        params.put("max_age", Collections.singletonList("" + maxAge));
2010                if (uiLocales != null) {
2011                        params.put("ui_locales", Collections.singletonList(LangTagUtils.concat(uiLocales)));
2012                }
2014                if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(claimsLocales)) {
2015                        params.put("claims_locales", Collections.singletonList(LangTagUtils.concat(claimsLocales)));
2016                }
2018                if (idTokenHint != null) {
2020                        try {
2021                                params.put("id_token_hint", Collections.singletonList(idTokenHint.serialize()));
2023                        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
2025                                throw new SerializeException("Couldn't serialize ID token hint: " + e.getMessage(), e);
2026                        }
2027                }
2029                if (loginHint != null)
2030                        params.put("login_hint", Collections.singletonList(loginHint));
2032                if (acrValues != null) {
2034                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
2036                        for (ACR acr: acrValues) {
2038                                if (sb.length() > 0)
2039                                        sb.append(' ');
2041                                sb.append(acr.toString());
2042                        }
2044                        params.put("acr_values", Collections.singletonList(sb.toString()));
2045                }
2048                if (claims != null)
2049                        params.put("claims", Collections.singletonList(claims.toJSONObject().toString()));
2051                if (purpose != null)
2052                        params.put("purpose", Collections.singletonList(purpose));
2054                return params;
2055        }
2058        @Override
2059        public JWTClaimsSet toJWTClaimsSet() {
2061                JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet = super.toJWTClaimsSet();
2063                if (jwtClaimsSet.getClaim("max_age") != null) {
2064                        // Convert max_age to number in JSON object
2065                        try {
2066                                String maxAgeString = jwtClaimsSet.getStringClaim("max_age");
2067                                JWTClaimsSet.Builder builder = new JWTClaimsSet.Builder(jwtClaimsSet);
2068                                builder.claim("max_age", Integer.parseInt(maxAgeString));
2069                                return builder.build();
2070                        } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
2071                                throw new SerializeException(e.getMessage());
2072                        }
2073                }
2075                return jwtClaimsSet;
2076        }
2079        /**
2080         * Parses an OpenID Connect authentication request from the specified
2081         * URI query parameters.
2082         *
2083         * <p>Example parameters:
2084         *
2085         * <pre>
2086         * response_type = token id_token
2087         * client_id     = s6BhdRkqt3
2088         * redirect_uri  = https://client.example.com/cb
2089         * scope         = openid profile
2090         * state         = af0ifjsldkj
2091         * nonce         = -0S6_WzA2Mj
2092         * </pre>
2093         *
2094         * @param params The parameters. Must not be {@code null}.
2095         *
2096         * @return The OpenID Connect authentication request.
2097         *
2098         * @throws ParseException If the parameters couldn't be parsed to an
2099         *                        OpenID Connect authentication request.
2100         */
2101        public static AuthenticationRequest parse(final Map<String,List<String>> params)
2102                throws ParseException {
2104                return parse(null, params);
2105        }
2108        /**
2109         * Parses an OpenID Connect authentication request from the specified
2110         * URI and query parameters.
2111         *
2112         * <p>Example parameters:
2113         *
2114         * <pre>
2115         * response_type = token id_token
2116         * client_id     = s6BhdRkqt3
2117         * redirect_uri  = https://client.example.com/cb
2118         * scope         = openid profile
2119         * state         = af0ifjsldkj
2120         * nonce         = -0S6_WzA2Mj
2121         * </pre>
2122         *
2123         * @param uri    The URI of the OAuth 2.0 authorisation endpoint. May
2124         *               be {@code null} if the {@link #toHTTPRequest} method
2125         *               will not be used.
2126         * @param params The parameters. Must not be {@code null}.
2127         *
2128         * @return The OpenID Connect authentication request.
2129         *
2130         * @throws ParseException If the parameters couldn't be parsed to an
2131         *                        OpenID Connect authentication request.
2132         */
2133        public static AuthenticationRequest parse(final URI uri, final Map<String,List<String>> params)
2134                throws ParseException {
2136                // Parse and validate the core OAuth 2.0 autz request params in 
2137                // the context of OIDC
2138                AuthorizationRequest ar = AuthorizationRequest.parse(uri, params);
2140                Nonce nonce = Nonce.parse(MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "nonce"));
2142                if (! ar.specifiesRequestObject()) {
2144                        // Required params if no JAR is present
2146                        if (ar.getRedirectionURI() == null) {
2147                                String msg = "Missing redirect_uri parameter";
2148                                throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2149                                        ar.getClientID(), null, ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState());
2150                        }
2152                        if (ar.getScope() == null) {
2153                                String msg = "Missing scope parameter";
2154                                throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2155                                        ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState());
2156                        }
2158                        // Check nonce requirement
2159                        if (nonce == null && Nonce.isRequired(ar.getResponseType())) {
2160                                String msg = "Missing nonce parameter: Required for response_type=" + ar.getResponseType();
2161                                throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2162                                        ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState());
2163                        }
2164                }
2166                // Check if present (not in JAR)
2167                if (ar.getResponseType() != null) {
2168                        try {
2169                                OIDCResponseTypeValidator.validate(ar.getResponseType());
2170                        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
2171                                String msg = "Unsupported response_type parameter: " + e.getMessage();
2172                                throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.UNSUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPE.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2173                                        ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState());
2174                        }
2175                }
2177                // Check if present (not in JAR)
2178                if (ar.getScope() != null && ! ar.getScope().contains(OIDCScopeValue.OPENID)) {
2179                        String msg = "The scope must include an openid value";
2180                        throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2181                                                 ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState());
2182                }
2184                Display display = null;
2186                if (params.containsKey("display")) {
2187                        try {
2188                                display = Display.parse(MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "display"));
2190                        } catch (ParseException e) {
2191                                String msg = "Invalid display parameter: " + e.getMessage();
2192                                throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2193                                        ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState(), e);
2194                        }
2195                }
2198                String v = MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "max_age");
2200                int maxAge = -1;
2202                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(v)) {
2204                        try {
2205                                maxAge = Integer.parseInt(v);
2207                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
2208                                String msg = "Invalid max_age parameter: " + v;
2209                                throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2210                                                         ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState(), e);
2211                        }
2212                }
2215                List<LangTag> uiLocales;
2216                try {
2217                        uiLocales = LangTagUtils.parseLangTagList(MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "ui_locales"));
2218                } catch (LangTagException e) {
2219                        String msg = "Invalid ui_locales parameter: " + e.getMessage();
2220                        throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2221                                ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState(), e);
2222                }
2225                List<LangTag> claimsLocales;
2226                try {
2227                        claimsLocales = LangTagUtils.parseLangTagList(MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "claims_locales"));
2229                } catch (LangTagException e) {
2230                        String msg = "Invalid claims_locales parameter: " + e.getMessage();
2231                        throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2232                                ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState(), e);
2233                }
2236                v = MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "id_token_hint");
2238                JWT idTokenHint = null;
2240                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(v)) {
2242                        try {
2243                                idTokenHint = JWTParser.parse(v);
2245                        } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
2246                                String msg = "Invalid id_token_hint parameter: " + e.getMessage();
2247                                throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2248                                                         ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState(), e);
2249                        }
2250                }
2252                String loginHint = MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "login_hint");
2255                v = MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "acr_values");
2257                List<ACR> acrValues = null;
2259                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(v)) {
2261                        acrValues = new LinkedList<>();
2263                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(v, " ");
2265                        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
2267                                acrValues.add(new ACR(st.nextToken()));
2268                        }
2269                }
2272                v = MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "claims");
2274                OIDCClaimsRequest claims = null;
2276                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(v)) {
2277                        try {
2278                                claims = OIDCClaimsRequest.parse(v);
2279                        } catch (ParseException e) {
2280                                String msg = "Invalid claims parameter: " + e.getMessage();
2281                                throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2282                                                         ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState(), e);
2283                        }
2284                }
2286                String purpose = MultivaluedMapUtils.getFirstValue(params, "purpose");
2288                if (purpose != null && (purpose.length() < PURPOSE_MIN_LENGTH || purpose.length() > PURPOSE_MAX_LENGTH)) {
2289                        String msg = "Invalid purpose parameter: Must not be shorter than " + PURPOSE_MIN_LENGTH + " and longer than " + PURPOSE_MAX_LENGTH + " characters";
2290                        throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
2291                                ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.impliedResponseMode(), ar.getState());
2292                }
2295                // Parse additional custom parameters
2296                Map<String,List<String>> customParams = null;
2298                for (Map.Entry<String,List<String>> p: params.entrySet()) {
2300                        if (! REGISTERED_PARAMETER_NAMES.contains(p.getKey())) {
2301                                // We have a custom parameter
2302                                if (customParams == null) {
2303                                        customParams = new HashMap<>();
2304                                }
2305                                customParams.put(p.getKey(), p.getValue());
2306                        }
2307                }
2310                return new AuthenticationRequest(
2311                        uri, ar.getResponseType(), ar.getResponseMode(), ar.getScope(), ar.getClientID(), ar.getRedirectionURI(), ar.getState(), nonce,
2312                        display, ar.getPrompt(), ar.getDPoPJWKThumbprintConfirmation(), ar.getTrustChain(), maxAge, uiLocales, claimsLocales,
2313                        idTokenHint, loginHint, acrValues, claims, purpose,
2314                        ar.getRequestObject(), ar.getRequestURI(),
2315                        ar.getCodeChallenge(), ar.getCodeChallengeMethod(),
2316                        ar.getAuthorizationDetails(),
2317                        ar.getResources(),
2318                        ar.includeGrantedScopes(),
2319                        customParams);
2320        }
2323        /**
2324         * Parses an OpenID Connect authentication request from the specified
2325         * URI query string.
2326         *
2327         * <p>Example URI query string:
2328         *
2329         * <pre>
2330         * response_type=token%20id_token
2331         * &amp;client_id=s6BhdRkqt3
2332         * &amp;redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient.example.com%2Fcb
2333         * &amp;scope=openid%20profile
2334         * &amp;state=af0ifjsldkj
2335         * &amp;nonce=n-0S6_WzA2Mj
2336         * </pre>
2337         *
2338         * @param query The URI query string. Must not be {@code null}.
2339         *
2340         * @return The OpenID Connect authentication request.
2341         *
2342         * @throws ParseException If the query string couldn't be parsed to an 
2343         *                        OpenID Connect authentication request.
2344         */
2345        public static AuthenticationRequest parse(final String query)
2346                throws ParseException {
2348                return parse(null, URLUtils.parseParameters(query));
2349        }
2352        /**
2353         * Parses an OpenID Connect authentication request from the specified
2354         * URI query string.
2355         *
2356         * <p>Example URI query string:
2357         *
2358         * <pre>
2359         * response_type=token%20id_token
2360         * &amp;client_id=s6BhdRkqt3
2361         * &amp;redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient.example.com%2Fcb
2362         * &amp;scope=openid%20profile
2363         * &amp;state=af0ifjsldkj
2364         * &amp;nonce=n-0S6_WzA2Mj
2365         * </pre>
2366         *
2367         * @param uri   The URI of the OAuth 2.0 authorisation endpoint. May be
2368         *              {@code null} if the {@link #toHTTPRequest} method will
2369         *              not be used.
2370         * @param query The URI query string. Must not be {@code null}.
2371         *
2372         * @return The OpenID Connect authentication request.
2373         *
2374         * @throws ParseException If the query string couldn't be parsed to an
2375         *                        OpenID Connect authentication request.
2376         */
2377        public static AuthenticationRequest parse(final URI uri, final String query)
2378                throws ParseException {
2380                return parse(uri, URLUtils.parseParameters(query));
2381        }
2384        /**
2385         * Parses an OpenID Connect authentication request from the specified
2386         * URI.
2387         *
2388         * <p>Example URI:
2389         *
2390         * <pre>
2391         * https://server.example.com/authorize?
2392         * response_type=token%20id_token
2393         * &amp;client_id=s6BhdRkqt3
2394         * &amp;redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient.example.com%2Fcb
2395         * &amp;scope=openid%20profile
2396         * &amp;state=af0ifjsldkj
2397         * &amp;nonce=n-0S6_WzA2Mj
2398         * </pre>
2399         *
2400         * @param uri The URI. Must not be {@code null}.
2401         *
2402         * @return The OpenID Connect authentication request.
2403         *
2404         * @throws ParseException If the query string couldn't be parsed to an
2405         *                        OpenID Connect authentication request.
2406         */
2407        public static AuthenticationRequest parse(final URI uri)
2408                throws ParseException {
2410                return parse(URIUtils.getBaseURI(uri), URLUtils.parseParameters(uri.getRawQuery()));
2411        }
2414        /**
2415         * Parses an authentication request from the specified HTTP GET or HTTP
2416         * POST request.
2417         *
2418         * <p>Example HTTP request (GET):
2419         *
2420         * <pre>
2421         * https://server.example.com/op/authorize?
2422         * response_type=code%20id_token
2423         * &amp;client_id=s6BhdRkqt3
2424         * &amp;redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient.example.com%2Fcb
2425         * &amp;scope=openid
2426         * &amp;nonce=n-0S6_WzA2Mj
2427         * &amp;state=af0ifjsldkj
2428         * </pre>
2429         *
2430         * @param httpRequest The HTTP request. Must not be {@code null}.
2431         *
2432         * @return The OpenID Connect authentication request.
2433         *
2434         * @throws ParseException If the HTTP request couldn't be parsed to an 
2435         *                        OpenID Connect authentication request.
2436         */
2437        public static AuthenticationRequest parse(final HTTPRequest httpRequest)
2438                throws ParseException {
2440                String query = httpRequest.getQuery();
2442                if (query == null)
2443                        throw new ParseException("Missing URI query string");
2445                URI endpointURI = httpRequest.getURI();
2447                return parse(endpointURI, query);
2448        }