Class EntityStatementClaimsSet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class EntityStatementClaimsSet
    extends CommonFederationClaimsSet
    Federation entity statement claims set, serialisable to a JSON object.

    Example claims set:

       "iss": "",
       "sub": "",
       "iat": 1516239022,
       "exp": 1516298022,
       "crit": ["jti"],
       "jti": "7l2lncFdY6SlhNia",
       "policy_language_crit": ["regexp"],
       "metadata": {
          "openid_provider": {
             "issuer": "",
             "organization_name": "NTNU",
          "oauth_client": {
             "organization_name": "NTNU"
       "metadata_policy": {
          "openid_provider": {
             "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": {
                 "subset_of": ["RS256", "RS384", "RS512"]
             "op_policy_uri": {
                 "regexp": "^https:\/\/[\\w-]+\\.example\\.com\/[\\w-]+\\.html"}
          "oauth_client": {
             "grant_types": {
             "subset_of": ["authorization_code", "client_credentials"]},
             "scope": {
             "subset_of": ["openid", "profile", "email", "phone"]}
       "constraints": {
          "max_path_length": 2
       "jwks": {
          "keys": [
                "alg": "RS256",
                "e": "AQAB",
                "key_ops": ["verify"],
                "kid": "key1",
                "kty": "RSA",
                "n": "pnXBOusEANuug6ewezb9J_...",
                "use": "sig"

    Related specifications:

    • OpenID Connect Federation 1.0, section 3.1.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EntityStatementClaimsSet

        public EntityStatementClaimsSet​(Issuer iss,
                                        Subject sub,
                                        Date iat,
                                        Date exp,
                                        com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWKSet jwks)
        Creates a new federation entity statement claims set with the minimum required claims.
        iss - The issuer. Must not be null.
        sub - The subject. Must not be null.
        iat - The issue time. Must not be null.
        exp - The expiration time. Must not be null.
        jwks - The entity public JWK set, null if not required.
      • EntityStatementClaimsSet

        public EntityStatementClaimsSet​(EntityID iss,
                                        EntityID sub,
                                        Date iat,
                                        Date exp,
                                        com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWKSet jwks)
        Creates a new federation entity statement claims set with the minimum required claims.
        iss - The issuer. Must not be null.
        sub - The subject. Must not be null.
        iat - The issue time. Must not be null.
        exp - The expiration time. Must not be null.
        jwks - The entity public JWK set, null if not required.
      • EntityStatementClaimsSet

        public EntityStatementClaimsSet​(com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet)
                                 throws ParseException
        Creates a new federation entity statement claims set from the specified JWT claims set.
        jwtClaimsSet - The JWT claims set. Must not be null.
        ParseException - If the JWT claims set doesn't represent a valid federation entity statement claims set.
    • Method Detail

      • getStandardClaimNames

        public static Set<StringgetStandardClaimNames()
        Gets the names of the standard top-level claims.
        The names of the standard top-level claims (read-only set).
      • isSelfStatement

        public boolean isSelfStatement()
        Returns true if this is a self-statement (issuer and subject match).
        true for a self-statement, false if not.
      • getJWKSet

        public com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWKSet getJWKSet()
        Gets the entity JWK set. Corresponds to the jwks claim.
        The entity JWK set, null if not specified or parsing failed.
      • getAuthorityHints

        public List<EntityIDgetAuthorityHints()
        Gets the entity IDs of the intermediate entities or trust anchors. Corresponds to the authority_hints claim.
        The entity IDs, null or empty list for a trust anchor, or if parsing failed.
      • setAuthorityHints

        public void setAuthorityHints​(List<EntityID> trustChain)
        Sets the entity IDs of the intermediate entities or trust anchors. Corresponds to the authority_hints claim.
        trustChain - The entity IDs, null or empty list for a trust anchor.
      • hasMetadata

        public boolean hasMetadata()
        Returns true if a metadata field is present. Corresponds to the metadata claim.
        true if a metadata field for an OpenID relying party, an OpenID provider, an OAuth authorisation server, an OAuth client, an OAuth protected resource, a federation entity, or a trust mark issuer is present.
      • setRPMetadata

        public void setRPMetadata​(OIDCClientMetadata rpMetadata)
        Sets the OpenID relying party metadata if present for this entity. Corresponds to the metadata.openid_relying_party claim.
        rpMetadata - The RP metadata, null if not specified.
      • setOPMetadata

        public void setOPMetadata​(OIDCProviderMetadata opMetadata)
        Gets the OpenID provider metadata if present for this entity. Corresponds to the metadata.openid_provider claim.
        opMetadata - The OP metadata, null if not specified.
      • setOAuthClientMetadata

        public void setOAuthClientMetadata​(ClientMetadata clientMetadata)
        Sets the OAuth 2.0 client metadata if present for this entity. Corresponds to the metadata.oauth_client claim.
        clientMetadata - The client metadata, null if not specified.
      • setASMetadata

        public void setASMetadata​(AuthorizationServerMetadata asMetadata)
        Sets the OAuth 2.0 authorisation server metadata if present for this entity. Corresponds to the metadata.oauth_authorization_server claim.
        asMetadata - The AS metadata, null if not specified.
      • setFederationEntityMetadata

        public void setFederationEntityMetadata​(FederationEntityMetadata entityMetadata)
        Sets the federation entity metadata if present for this entity. Corresponds to the metadata.federation_entity claim.
        entityMetadata - The federation entity metadata, null if not specified.
      • setTrustMarkIssuerMetadata

        public void setTrustMarkIssuerMetadata​(TrustMarkIssuerMetadata trustMarkIssuerMetadata)
        Sets the trust mark issuer metadata for this entity. Corresponds to the metadata.trust_mark_issuer claim.
        trustMarkIssuerMetadata - The trust mark issuer metadata, null if not specified.
      • getMetadataPolicyJSONObject

        public net.minidev.json.JSONObject getMetadataPolicyJSONObject()
        Gets the complete metadata policy JSON object. Corresponds to the metadata_policy claim.
        The metadata policy JSON object, null if not specified or if parsing failed.
      • setMetadataPolicyJSONObject

        public void setMetadataPolicyJSONObject​(net.minidev.json.JSONObject metadataPolicy)
        Sets the complete metadata policy JSON object. Corresponds to the metadata_policy claim.
        metadataPolicy - The metadata policy JSON object, null if not specified.
      • setMetadataPolicy

        public void setMetadataPolicy​(EntityType type,
                                      MetadataPolicy metadataPolicy)
        Sets the metadata policy for the specified type. Corresponds to the metadata_policy claim.
        type - The entity type. Must not be null.
        metadataPolicy - The metadata policy, null if not specified.
      • getTrustAnchorID

        public EntityID getTrustAnchorID()
        Gets the used trust anchor in a explicit client registration in OpenID Connect Federation 1.0. Intended for entity statements issued by an OpenID provider for a Relying party performing explicit client registration only. Corresponds to the trust_anchor_id claim.
        The trust anchor ID, null if not specified.
      • setTrustAnchorID

        public void setTrustAnchorID​(EntityID trustAnchorID)
        Sets the used trust anchor in a explicit client registration in OpenID Connect Federation 1.0. Intended for entity statements issued by an OpenID provider for a Relying party performing explicit client registration only. Corresponds to the trust_anchor_id claim.
        trustAnchorID - The trust anchor ID, null if not specified.
      • getConstraints

        public TrustChainConstraints getConstraints()
        Gets the trust chain constraints for subordinate entities. Corresponds to the constraints claim.
        The trust chain constraints, null if not specified or if parsing failed.
      • setConstraints

        public void setConstraints​(TrustChainConstraints constraints)
        Sets the trust chain constraint for subordinate entities. Corresponds to the constraints claim.
        constraints - The trust chain constraints, null if not specified.
      • getTrustMarksIssuers

        public Map<Identifier,​List<Issuer>> getTrustMarksIssuers()
        Gets the trust marks issuers. Corresponds to the trust_marks_issuers claim.
        The trust marks issuers, null if not specified or parsing failed.
      • setTrustMarksIssuers

        public void setTrustMarksIssuers​(Map<Identifier,​List<Issuer>> issuers)
        Sets the trust marks issuers. Corresponds to the trust_marks_issuers claim.
        issuers - The trust marks issuers, null if not specified.
      • getCriticalExtensionClaims

        public List<StringgetCriticalExtensionClaims()
        Gets the names of the critical extension claims. Corresponds to the crit claim.
        The names of the critical extension claims, null if not specified or if parsing failed.
      • setCriticalExtensionClaims

        public void setCriticalExtensionClaims​(List<String> claimNames)
        Sets the names of the critical extension claims. Corresponds to the crit claim.
        claimNames - The names of the critical extension claims, null if not specified. Must not be an empty list.
      • getCriticalPolicyExtensions

        public List<StringgetCriticalPolicyExtensions()
        Gets the names of the critical policy extensions. Corresponds to the policy_language_crit claim.
        The names of the critical policy extensions or if parsing failed.
      • setCriticalPolicyExtensions

        public void setCriticalPolicyExtensions​(List<String> extNames)
        Sets the names of the critical policy extensions. Corresponds to the policy_language_crit claim.
        extNames - The names of the critical policy extensions, null if not specified. Must not be an empty list.