Class ResolveClaimsSet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ResolveClaimsSet
    extends CommonFederationClaimsSet
    Resolve response claims set.

    Related specifications:

    • OpenID Connect Federation 1.0, section 7.2.2.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResolveClaimsSet

        public ResolveClaimsSet​(Issuer iss,
                                Subject sub,
                                Date iat,
                                Date exp,
                                net.minidev.json.JSONObject metadata)
        Creates a new resolve response claims set with the minimum required claims.
        iss - The issuer. Must not be null.
        sub - The subject. Must not be null.
        iat - The issue time. Must not be null.
        exp - The expiration time. Must not be null.
        metadata - The metadata JSON object. Must not be null.
      • ResolveClaimsSet

        public ResolveClaimsSet​(EntityID iss,
                                EntityID sub,
                                Date iat,
                                Date exp,
                                net.minidev.json.JSONObject metadata)
        Creates a new resolve response claims set with the minimum required claims.
        iss - The issuer. Must not be null.
        sub - The subject. Must not be null.
        iat - The issue time. Must not be null.
        exp - The expiration time. Must not be null.
        metadata - The metadata JSON object. Must not be null.
      • ResolveClaimsSet

        public ResolveClaimsSet​(com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet)
                         throws ParseException
        Creates a new resolve response claims set from the specified JWT claims set.
        jwtClaimsSet - The JWT claims set. Must not be null.
        ParseException - If the JWT claims set doesn't represent a valid resolve response claims set.