Class JWTClaimsSetUtils

    • Method Detail

      • toJWTClaimsSet

        public static com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet toJWTClaimsSet​(Map<String,​List<String>> params)
        Creates a JWT claims set from the specified multi-valued parameters. Single-valued parameters are mapped to a string claim. Multi-valued parameters are mapped to a string array claim.
        params - The multi-valued parameters. Must not be null.
        The JWT claims set.
      • toMultiValuedParameters

        public static Map<String,​List<String>> toMultiValuedParameters​(com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet claimsSet)
        Creates a multi-valued string parameters map from the specified JWT claims set. registered JWT claims and null valued claims are not included in the returned parameters.
        claimsSet - The JWT claims set. Must not be null.
        The string parameters map.