Class X509CertificateUtils

    • Method Detail

      • hasMatchingIssuerAndSubject

        public static boolean hasMatchingIssuerAndSubject​(X509Certificate cert)
        Checks if the issuer DN and the subject DN of the specified X.509 certificate match. The matched DNs are not normalised.
        cert - The X.509 certificate. Must not be null.
        true if the issuer DN and and subject DN match, else false.
      • isSelfIssued

        public static boolean isSelfIssued​(X509Certificate cert)
        Checks if the specified X.509 certificate is self-issued, i.e. it has a matching issuer and subject, and the public key can be used to successfully validate the certificate's digital signature.
        cert - The X.509 certificate. Must not be null.
        true if the X.509 certificate is self-issued, else false.
      • isSelfSigned

        public static boolean isSelfSigned​(X509Certificate cert)
        Checks if the specified X.509 certificate is self-signed, i.e. the public key can be used to successfully validate the certificate's digital signature.
        cert - The X.509 certificate. Must not be null.
        true if the X.509 certificate is self-signed, else false.
      • hasValidSignature

        public static boolean hasValidSignature​(X509Certificate cert,
                                                PublicKey pubKey)
        Validates the signature of a X.509 certificate with the specified public key.
        cert - The X.509 certificate. Must not be null.
        pubKey - The public key to use for the validation. Must not be null.
        true if the signature is valid, else false.
      • publicKeyMatches

        public static boolean publicKeyMatches​(X509Certificate cert,
                                               PublicKey pubKey)
        Returns true if the public key of the X.509 certificate matches the specified public key.
        cert - The X.509 certificate. Must not be null.
        pubKey - The public key to compare. Must not be null.
        true if the two public keys match, else false.