Package com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.auth
Implementations of OAuth 2.0 client authentication methods at the Token
The following authentication methods are supported:
Class Summary Class Description ClientAuthentication Base abstract class for client authentication at the Token endpoint.ClientAuthenticationMethod Client authentication method at the Token endpoint.ClientSecretBasic Client secret basic authentication at the Token endpoint.ClientSecretJWT Client secret JWT authentication at the Token endpoint.ClientSecretPost Client secret post authentication at the Token endpoint.JWTAuthentication Base abstract class for JSON Web Token (JWT) based client authentication at the Token endpoint.JWTAuthenticationClaimsSet JWT client authentication claims set, serialisable to a JSON object and JWT claims set.PKITLSClientAuthentication PKI mutual TLS client authentication at the Token endpoint.PlainClientSecret Base abstract class for plain secret based client authentication at the Token endpoint.PrivateKeyJWT Private key JWT authentication at the Token endpoint.Secret Secret.SelfSignedTLSClientAuthentication Self-signed certificate mutual TLS client authentication at the Token endpoint.TLSClientAuthentication The base abstract class for mutual TLS client authentication at the Token endpoint.X509CertificateConfirmation X.509 certificate SHA-256 confirmation.