

package dao

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseDAOMethods [ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends AnyRef

  2. trait ConcreteSubclassDAO extends AnyRef

    When you use a single collection to contain an entire type hierarchy, then use this trait to make sure that type hints are appended to find, count and update queries.

  3. trait DAO [ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends BaseDAOMethods[ObjectType, ID]

    Base DAO class.

  4. trait ModelCompanion [ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends BaseDAOMethods[ObjectType, ID] with Logging

    Play framework style model companion

  5. case class MutilValidateError (ts: Traversable[Throwable]) extends Error with Product with Serializable

  6. class SalatDAO [ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends DAO[ObjectType, ID] with Logging

    Sample DAO implementation.

  7. class SalatDAOError extends Error

  8. class SalatDAOQueryError extends Error

  9. case class SalatDAOUpdateError (whichDAO: String, collection: MongoCollection, query: DBObject, o: DBObject, wc: WriteConcern, wr: WriteResult, upsert: Boolean, multi: Boolean) extends Error with Product with Serializable

  10. case class SalatInsertError (description: String, collection: MongoCollection, wc: WriteConcern, wr: WriteResult, dbos: List[DBObject]) extends SalatDAOError with Product with Serializable

  11. case class SalatMongoCursor [T <: AnyRef] (_grater: Grater[T], underlying: DBCursor, evidence$9: Manifest[T]) extends SalatMongoCursorBase[T] with Iterator[T] with Product with Serializable

  12. trait SalatMongoCursorBase [T <: AnyRef] extends Logging

    Unfortunately, MongoCursorBase is typed to DBObject, but.

  13. case class SalatRemoveError (description: String, collection: MongoCollection, wc: WriteConcern, wr: WriteResult, dbos: List[DBObject]) extends SalatDAOError with Product with Serializable

  14. case class SalatRemoveQueryError (whichDAO: String, collection: MongoCollection, query: DBObject, wc: WriteConcern, wr: WriteResult) extends SalatDAOQueryError with Product with Serializable

  15. case class SalatSaveError (description: String, collection: MongoCollection, wc: WriteConcern, wr: WriteResult, dbos: List[DBObject]) extends SalatDAOError with Product with Serializable

  16. class Validates [T] extends AnyRef

  17. class ValidatingSalatDAO [ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends SalatDAO[ObjectType, ID]

  18. case class ValidationError [T] (t: T, iter: Iterable[Throwable]) extends Error with Product with Serializable