Class DOMUtil

  • public class DOMUtil
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • DOMUtil

        public DOMUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • findClosestEnclosingElementWithNodeName

        public static Element findClosestEnclosingElementWithNodeName​(Node e,
                                                                      String nodeName)
        Helper function to find an enclosing element with given node name. Returns null on failure.
      • getText

        public static String getText​(Element parent)
        Loads all of the text content in all offspring of an element. Ignores all attributes, comments and processing instructions.
        a String with the text content of an element (may be an empty string but will not be null).
      • getText

        public static void getText​(Element parent,
                                   StringBuilder sb)
        Appends all text content in all offspring of an element to a StringBuffer. Ignores all attributes, comments and processing instructions.
        sb - will get the text content of the element children